Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I *heart* Sparks. Nie Nie is one of them!

Speaking of being your best you....Stephanie Nielson (NieNie Dialogues) just gave Spark a shout out on her blog! Thank you so much, my dear!

Not only is she the most inspiring woman, but I think she is the epitome of being your best you. If you haven't read her blog & her story.....please go now. Your heart will sing & you will be uplifted & inspired....she's an angel on this earth! smooches, Stephanie! And check out this quote she shared...so perfect for Spark!
There is in every true woman's heart
a spark of heavenly fire,
which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity;
but which kindles up and
beams and blazes
in the dark hour of adversity.
-Washington Irving

and, we have 1 more ticket to give away for the Spark Event.


  1. I *heart* Sparks and NieNie too. She is amazing and oh so inspiring.

  2. I need some Spark! big time.. I will keep my fingers crossed.

  3. I definitely need some Spark!! Here's hoping for the best!

  4. OMG Another chance to win. PLease Please.........

  5. Wow, what a Spark this would be in my life! Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. Give me some spark! thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Oh My......what a wonderful creative Spark! The possibility of attending Spark sends sparks through me! Oh how I would love to be able to attend with my two girlfriends! Fingers and toes crossed! And yes, NieNie is an amazing woman and I can't wait to see her on Oprah! That also sends the sparks through me. Beautiful, lovely lady she is.... Thank you for sharing the Spark!

  8. You are so much fun it is like a party everyday!!!

  9. You have certainly created a *Spark* in me! Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. I just recently found the Nie Nie dialogues and I love her outlook on her life. She is so inspirational.

    I am so happy that I got to meet you, Liz and Jefra (at Oh Sweet Sadie with my mom). I would LOVE to join you for Spark!!


  11. Oh how I would heart to go to Spark!
    I most definitely need something to get me going!

  12. Rhonna... thnx again for another amazing blog... when I grow up I want to be just like you... :).... I'm going out to look for a window this weekend... I have just the perfect spot for it.

  13. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS WONDERFUL MOMENT!!!! I have been following all the news regarding Spark. I heard about Spark and saw the gorgeous book at Sweet Sadie. I LOVE ALL the teachers. With the economy being so bad, I am glad that the amazing ladies at Spark are able to offer a couple of free tickets. I missed my chance last time and hope, hope, hope that I will be able to have this wonderful opportunity to attend Spark. Its unfortunate that the economy has changed so many of our lives and sacrifices have to be made.

  14. Oh please, oh please! I could desperately use a little bit of Spark in my life!

  15. Another Chance oh please please please!!! I need a spark in my life right now more than ever!

  16. Hi Rhonna - I would love to attend! Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. You have kindled my soul with the 21 day challenge, please let me ignite the "spark" now for continued growth. Pick me, please!

  18. A *SPARK* on my life would be just what the Dr. ordered! :)

  19. Oh sweet! I can try again! Pick me Pick me! Really, I am your biggest fan ;) I am also going to try to come to the class at Dear Lizzie (love that place). I am a beginner at all this digital stuff and would love some help. Thanks!

  20. *Spark*...Wow...only to dream of beng there!

  21. my life won't be complete unless I get my spark on! Pretty please pick me!

  22. oh please pick me...
    Thank you so much for the 21 day challenge. It was so inpiring to see new beautiful motivation every morning. I think spark may be just what I need to put me over the top :)
