Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 7:: The {21} challenge

Day 7: This is your 1 week mark. This is HUGE>>>congratulations to all of you 21ers!!! Like I said before, the first week is the most difficult. By now, you're on the road to change. You have 1 week under your belt. You do NOT need to look back. You are 1/3 of the way there!

But, I may have slipped up. You may feel discouraged. It may be way more difficult than you'd anticipated. But. NONE of these are excuses to give up.

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. " Dale Carnegie
Anything that is worth it is difficult. And YOU are worth it! I've so enjoyed hearing from you all!

Jamie said:
"i love what this challenge is doing for others in my life who surround me. they are feeling some of this energy, and that makes me joyful most of all."

YES>>> exactly! This {21} Challenge is far more reaching than just you. This energy; this great power for good that you are sharing with others is contagious! All those in your life around you will be uplifted & inspired.

Imagine: All of you 21ers, all over the world, are involved in something HUGE. Something that is creating the domino effect. YOU are worth this! do NOT give up!

Angie said:
"I just want to thank you for coming up with this post and all the inspiration. It appears to be just what I needed. My kids thank you too! ;) "

WOW....this gave me goosebumps! Do you KNOW what kind of POWER you are in the lives of your children? I love this quote:
"A mother has far greater influence on her children than anyone else, and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act, every response, her attitude, even her appearance and manner of dress affect the lives of her children and the whole family. It is while the child is in the home that he gains from his mother the attitudes, hopes, and beliefs that will determine the kind of life he will live and the contribution he will make to society."N. Eldon Tanner

another WOW...Angie...YOU ARE AMAZING...& the change you are making NOW will effect your children forever. You can do this!

21ers...we are doing GREAT! Each of us are having different experiences & each of us are developing our success...& uplifiting & inspiring others...keep it going!

We can do this!
Happy Day 7. Week 1!!!

PS. design info: House of 3 kits!
font: House Rules
swirls: Rhonna Botanical Swirls
sunburst on 'o': Medallion Journal Spot Brushes
silhouette: Sleek Glam brushes

PPs. For you 52Qers....Em's got guest bloggers & today our question is: What Sparks my Creativity? Check it out here!


  1. first one to post? amazing! because of you and the other 21ers i've been 100% on my goals. thanks rhonna - and thank you fellow 21ers! i'm beginning to "develop" some great habits!

  2. LOVE the quote from N Eldon Tanner!! Very POWERFUL!! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. how funny that yesterday I blogged about how the changes I make affect my children and this morning I catch up on your blog and find that quote from N. Eldon Tanner on your blog. the Universe works very mysteriously, I gather. i'm going strong and want to thank you, Rhonna, for all the encouraging words, phrases and art you are sharing with us, and to the 21ers, so happy to be on this road with you all. those first 7 days went by fast for me. ready for the next 7!

  4. I appreciate this 21 challenge because it made me actually step over the line and go for my goal...I had only talked about it before with no action..thanks...I am stil on track.

  5. I love this quote :" Be the change you want to see in the world". It is so powerful and all it all starts with ourselves, within ourselves and then can we only be a good influence on others. Imagine how many of us are doing this-CHANGING-hopefully for the good and in turn this will affect those around us..It's like a pay-it-forward effect. Thanks for day 7!

  6. Day really....ok I can do this! We can do this! ;)
    I am loving today's art & quote...she is so perfect for my journal today because I am working on changing the strength/appearance of my body! Thanks for the daily inspiration!

  7. Hi Rhonna, I've taken this challenge twice before and hopefully third times a charm! ;o)
    Thanks sooo much for all the great inspiration! I have had a successful week (although I almost caved at the crop saturday) lol
    Love all th quotes and graphics!
    Hugz, Z

  8. WOW Rhonna- I feel so touched! I'm choking back tears! Thank you so much for the encouragement!

  9. Rhonna, Thanks for the inspiration and the challenge to change. I had already decided to begin to cut back on my 20 oz Coke per day, as well as spiff up the eating habbits. I am happy to say that one-week into the challenge--no Coke (okay, two sips on Saturday but that was it!) and I brought my lunch to work all week as well. One week down! Your encouragement is great.

  10. Done with day 7 {and all the others}

    I loved what you said yesterday about being my best self! Such powerful motivation.

  11. Just checking in here...missed the last couple days with a busy weekend. I'm doing good with my challenge. It's getting a bit easier every day. The best part...finding the support from others here doing the challenge! Thanks for the encouragement!

  12. I was so sick last week that i didn't even want to think about starting the challenge...but tomorrow I am beginning my 21 day challenge! (of course, a week behind yours) Thanks for all of the amazing quotes and artwork!!

  13. 7 days without coffee I can't believe I've made it! I couldn't have done it without you Rhonna and all of my fellow 21ers! What inspiration everyone is!!

  14. WTG everyone!!!!!

    i up the names up on the sidebar of all our 21ers.

    now, we can simply click down the list & offer the 21 support to our friends!'re going to have to change the name of your blog! *wink*

    GREAT JOB everyone!
    can't believe it!
    this really works, huh?

  15. Rhonna you are right! Check out my new header I've made a little change ;)

    You are doing so awesome I couldn't imagine giving up all of that at once!

  16. I started my challenge yesterday,a little late, but I am so glad I have. I have wanted to join in the past. Thanks Rhonna for the inspiration. I am hoping to visit all the other 21ers blogs tonight.

  17. I just discovered the 21 challege when I ran across your blog yesterday. Better to start late than never, right?!

  18. Rhonna,
    Just wanted to send a little note your way thanking you for your wonderful posts and encouragement. There is just power in numbers and knowing that I committed myself to this has made me actually follow through this week. It hasn't been easy, but I'm on day 7 tomorrow!! Thanks again:)
