Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 6:: The {21} Challenge

Day 6:: Still up against the weekend wall. How did you do yesterday? Did you have a weak moment? Did you take action & stay strong?
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "Action is the foundational key to all success." Pablo Picasso

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
I KNOW this is tough. I KNOW it can be very difficult to stick to it. And I KNOW you fall off the wagon...but, does it mean you need to quit? NO!
do not quit.
Take Action!

Some tips & ideas to overcome & take action against the weekend wall:

**do one of your creativity exercises
**do something nice for someone
**laugh. smile.
**think of all the POWER within you!
**do what your
best self would do.
**go to one of our 21er's blogs & glean
energy from them!

Now...a word. or 2.
word one. I've had many emails asking about the art journal part. NO. You do NOT have to do that if it's not your thing. This is merely to help in the art therapy department. Some of us need that art therapy & the creativity exercises...others don't. Tailor this to your needs.

word two. You can jump in anytime. The quotes & art are up indefinitely. You can do this on your own time. Just do it. Consistently.

word three. (ok, so I have more than a word or 2.) Remember; taking ONE challenge at a time is important. The only reason I have gone off sugar AND caffeine is due to my health. Flu season is upon us & I catch every little thing. So I am trying to get my immune system up. UNLESS you have something urgent like that, please just choose ONE thing.
it can be simple.
no worries.
just do it. words are over.
Take them in.
Take action
you'll succeed.

Happy Day 6!

P.S. The 'action' alpha is my Parisian Alpha kit sold HERE>


  1. This weekend has not been easy at all. It marks the 6 month date of my brothers death. So I am battling to hold things together. I am trying but not having much success. I need Monday to come so I can get back into my routine as Routine is the only thing that helps me. Thank you for day 6.

  2. I am taking action by getting out of the house with a friend and going to a glass art work shop. Got me a pleasant dinner planned and full well know I will make my challenge today...hope you all do to and have a great weekend.

  3. Bonnie I send my hugs and prayers for you...this is not a easy time, wish you could join me for the day...take good care k...monday will come soon..

  4. So far, so good. Just one slip up that involved three hershey's kisses!

  5. I managed day five :) I was strong. Now day 6...

  6. 5 walk over Boulder Hill was hard! As I was out there I was thinking "this is the stupidest thing I've ever done!" but I did it....I was exausted the rest of the night but it was done! So today I'm going to need something new to inspire me for sure! maybe I'll try on my skinny jeans! That should do the trick! Thanks for the art to create day 6 in my mini album :)

  7. I choose to let go of Fear. Mostly the Fear that causes me to make irrational decisions as a parent. The kind of Fear that gets in the way of allowing my children to be just that... I've made HUGE strides day 1,2,3 and even 4. Day 5 well I wish I could have a "do over" anyhow day 6 is all about getting back on track. I just want to thank you for coming up with this post and all the inspiration. It appears to be just what I needed. My kids thank you too! ;)

  8. the weekends are actually a bit easier for me. it's the weekdays that i am face-on confronted with the ugly habit i need to change. so this weekend i have relished the energy that came with accomplishing my challenges during the week. and bonus: today's message in services surrounded the idea of dreams and visions and the need for both of those. i thought that tied in so well with this spiritual and creative journey i am on right now. my heart engaged so much with the word spoken this morning. AND i love what this challenge is doing for others in my life who surround me. they are feeling some of this energy, and that makes me joyful most of all.

    rhonna...the art work is so wonderful, i have loved having access to it, adding it to my journal, and making it part of this journey.

    thank you so much.

  9. !!
    Are you not FABulous!?
    Thank you so much for doing what you do. It is delightful AND encouraging! Oh, and inspiring and...well, you get the picture. But I really do mean it- I didn't just pick up a thesaurus. ;o)
    Thanks again and Happy Saturday Shareday (a day late)

  10. one thing...i MUST have that font for the "action" word you used. it's totally awesome! point me in the right direction!
