Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 11:: the {21} Challenge & Cards for Kate Card Drive

Day 11: Our halfway mark! We are on the right track! coming to the end of our second week! You've come this NOT give up! Every time you feel weak, just think of this quote:
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Desire. It's all about desire.

How badly do you want this?
How strong is your desire to succeed on this?

It has to be stronger & greater than your fear of, go forward! Be positive. Believe you can do it! I KNOW you me. If I can go off of my daily diet pepsi(s) & daily candy....(& oh how I love & miss it!) then YOU can accomplish your goals! Our lives are so precious & each day we can either move forward or move backward.

Let's choose to move forward!


**Speaking of together...look what many people are doing together to help out Kate.
House of 3 is part of the prize donations & I'm excited about the card I made & am sending on over to Jennifer, too! Thanks so much Kristina, Jana & Jennifer for working together & bringing lots of love to this sweet family!
If you are interested in getting involved & sending a card for the drive...go HERE for all the info!

Thanks & happy Day 11!


  1. Thanks for day 11 Rhonna, feeling the power!! Such a great quote for the weekend!! Have a great one!

  2. Thank you SO much for posting about the card drive, Rhonna and for making a card and being a part of it! We appreciate it SO much and I know Kate and her family do, too! BIG hugs to you!!! Thank you again!! :-D

  3. It's raining again. NOT fair! But life's not fair right...and my legs work...and I should get out in the rain and appreciate that I'm getting stronger everyday. Darn challenge ;) urgh....oh...p.s. I LOVE the art for today :) ok ok...going! :)

  4. Desire is high on my desired to not eat pork is totally for healthy reasoso desired is needed to achieve my goals...over halfway there..

    loved this quote

  5. 11 Days WOOHOO! The desire notion is a tricky one on the giving up coffee front because I still desire coffee but I guess I desire better health more :)

  6. Im going to share this quote with my daughter. She is a recently divorced mother of two children, 7,5 who is struggling with life and all the challenges she faces ahead. She works full time and and just started back to college in order to make a better life for her and the children. thanks so much!

  7. just had to say THANK YOU rhonna for leading the way through this magical 21 day challenge. i'm a little sad that it's 1/2 way over...BUT so...soooo happy to be a part of this journey with everyone.

    have a SUPER weekend and KEEP GOING everyone. be strong over the weekend - you CAN do this. WE can do this.

  8. Rhonna. It was great to meet you on friday. Would love to know what program you use.. looks like photoshop. I want to send you some brushes I think you will enjoy!. I love your stuff and it was great to meet you.

  9. rhonna - my desire is for the M&Ms to disappear at my desk and not to go to my waist....think it'll work? HUGS

  10. Woo Hoo...more than half way there...had such a great time doing this post today...DESIRE...I'm keep hearing that song...what is it...oh my.
    Hope you all enjoy my pages, fondly, Roberta

  11. I'm glad you guys are involved too! I just made my cards for Kate and her family. What an awesome cause. :) God bless you all for your awesome work.
