Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 12:: The {21} Challenge & weekend warriors

Day 12: Wow. It's another weekend. It seriously seems like yesterday I was posting about our first weekend & how difficult it would be! But, LOOK! Here we are...our 2nd weekend. &....we are weekend warriors. We can do this. It will take courage & perseverance....

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "Courage & perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear & obstacles vanish into air." John Quincy Adams

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
*magical* i love that word during this challenge. love.

It makes me feel like I have a magical power within me...that I can do anything. Like super powers! And with the courage & perseverance of this weekend...the difficulties & obstacles WILL disappear. We just have to stay strong & work hard!

Are you with me? We are at the end of our 2nd week...on Monday it will be our 3rd week. We've come this's not worth it to have all of the hard work, courage & perseverance go to waste, right?

Let that magic shine through, 21ers!

Happy Day 12!
R fun to get over to Oh Sweet Sadie & meet lots of you there! (hi Staci & mom!) Dani & Heidi are Spark girls...can't wait! Locals...if you haven't been there...GO today! It's awesome! They are open until 8 pm.

soldered pendants from The Pink Chandelier
these cool nursing covers that are so soft: Keiki Kovers
Tribal Jewelry has fab stuff...I'm in love with their cuffs
And..if I could eat this stuff, I would devour's packaged so cute, too!

then...we popped on over to the Garden of Art show! Lauri is another Spark girl & we loved meeting her there...& even more local artists!

Thelma's Handmade had THE coolest felted bags & darling owls I want!!!!
& Robin Wade's whimsical jewelry was unique!

It's going on until tonight at 6pm. Jump on won't regret it!

the '21' is correct. I designed it with the whole '21' in, no. the 12 is not switched on accident.
it's purposeful. *wink*


  1. Great stuff {u r right LOVE the cuffs!} Thanks for sharing!! Love todays quote that is definately going on my wall!!

  2. I think the number is wrong is 21 instead of 12

  3. go 21ers! happy weekend. cool stuff, rhonna. love all the new findings @ the boutique!

  4. Day 12....I was hoping we would all just forget ;) lol...kiddin...I'm up...I'm having my tea and will be out the door soon....then home to get my page done before soccer games at noon! :) Keep keepin' on girls we are almost there and we will have new habits right before our eyes :)

  5. here we are already at day 12...and i feel like i am 'just gettin' it'...but maybe that is what the journey is...continue to move forward until you 'get it'. what do you think?

  6. Finding out things about myself as I continue to watch what I eat. Some food items I had taken way and then ate a bit yesterday. Felt yucky! You def feel better when you eat better! Still no Coke. Bravo for me!

  7. Day 12 ...going by is magical that I found this place to help my thru my self challenge...
    when you say locals pop on over..where would that be....

    hope you all are keeping up with me casue I am going to the end...keep on keepin up ladies...

  8. Rhonna - thank you. Thank you for inspiring me to get moving again. God bless.

  9. Hey Rhonna..thanks for the quote. the number is wrong though...
    Beautiful quote!! can't believe another weekend is here!

  10. Had such a "magical" time with this challenge...hope you enjoy my post...fondly, Roberta
