Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 9:: The {21} Challenge

Day 9: 1 week. 2 days. How are you doing? Are you still enthusiastic? Are you still on fire? Are you still working at it? You've come 9 days...do NOT give up! We can do this! I love hearing about your experiences!

Dee Dee..I love how you took yesterday's quote about creativity & tailored it to your {21} Challenge! WTG!
Lisa...you are feeling it getting easier...that's FABULOUS! You are feeling the enthusiasm!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "Flaming enthusiasm... is the quality that most frequently makes for success."
Dale Carnegie

Yes. Flaming enthusiasm! I love what these words evoke! Not merely a little enthusiasm..but, flaming! On fire! We are on fiyah, girls!

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
So, share your enthusiasm today. Share your Spark. Share your fire!
Check in here today & tell us HOW you are doing! I've got a prize for one of you 21ers!
:) (and, if you have any questions, please ask now. I'll answer them tomorrow!)

Happy Day 9!

P.S. finally got some pix taken of my journal....wanted to share.Here's part of my {21} Challenge art journal. I took the HOPE journal from one of my faves: Compendium. It's a blank journal for the most part, but I put a piece of decorative tape on the front, the silver is one of our new House of 3 rubons included in the new Heart Box kit & they rub on like buttah...seriously! LOVING them! And, on each corner of the page in the journal there is:
HOPE every day.
I love designing the word art, but as I'd mentioned....I wanted to do something different this time & add just a WORD. a prompt. a catalyst to kick it in high gear. So, I have been printing out just the word art on clear sticker paper, cutting it & putting it right in my journal.
Some days I have more time. So, some of my creativity exercises are longer & more in depth.
Other days, as shown here, I don't have much time....maybe 5 min. tops. BUT>>>I still do my creativity exercises, create something in my {21} Challenge journal & keep myself going!
I love seeing everyone's take on the challenge & what works for them...very creative! kudos!


  1. I'm always on fire when I have a creative person such as yourself guiding me! :)

  2. Hi Rhonna, thanks for doing the 21 day challenge. I have been checking in daily and downloading your quotes. I'm trying to use the inspiration to help me get creative and take daily steps in launching my new small business. I'm trying to start a habit/routine for myself to makes things run smoothly and it is helping so much! :-) Thanks again!

  3. Great quote today! Enthusiasm is a great motivater! I am doing a lot better and finding each day a small stepping stone to a better me. thank you.

  4. Love that the motivational "nudge" my creativity daily. Truly inspired by the way this project has creating something new every single day. Love that my soul is getting its nourishment! Greatful for the challenge!

  5. The quotes are a-ma-azing and help me to keep going and keep focusing on the bigger picture. I'm doing really well overall, though I have stumbled a bit, and I feel so much power with you, Rhonna, leading us all and knowing that all of the 21ers are on this road together. I can honestly feel them all behind me, supporting me each day on this journey to my better self. Carpe Diem 21er!

  6. I'm here with you. Thanks so much for the quotes and the WORDS -- they are helping me to find my power again and to feel I can do more than just deal with my challenges, I can be true to myself in the process and find joy in each day. This is an amazing journey, and I so appreciate the kick-start and daily motivation you have provided.

  7. Thank you Rhonna, for all of your motivation...After getting home from CE a few weeks ago...I have had so much inspiration pinging through me ..this was just what I need to get focused and jump into action!

  8. creative community evokes creative enthusiasm as well.
    i get so tickled about life artists and who i meet in our cyber community.
    we all speak the same language and spur each other on to greater endeavors.
    love that.

    on a personal note: in the middle of this 21 day challenge and sick!!! that really zaps the physical energy for sure. my goal has been to maintain a mental/spiritual energy and continue to develop my plan, even when i am not able to actually evoke it.

    thanks for EVERYTHING, rhonna.

  9. I am on fiyah!!! Happy to keep up with my journal.....sad I can't take pictures and share on my blog.....I think I will buy a camera today---an early b'day present and an award for giving up soda.

  10. thanks for organizing this for everyone!
    my challenge is to write in my journal every day something i have always wanted to do. i am 9 for 9 today, and going strong!
    Thanks for all the wonderful quotes and inspiration


  11. Yesterday it was feeling easier....today not so much! :( It's raining out!!! I know I won't melt...but I've always used rainy days to sit on my behind! I CAN DO IT!! I WILL DO IT!! I won't be happy, and I'll look like a drown rat...but I'll do it cause you all are watching....darn challenges! ;)

  12. I love the quotes Rhonna!! I'm making my favorite ones into wall hangings {will post photos on blog when completed} When I saw todays quote I was immediatly inspired to bling it out and hang it on my daughters wall {very fitting for her}. My 21 days are about expanding my creativity, digging deep, slowing down and TRULY enjoying the process. Thanks for all the inpiration & motivation!!

  13. i love 'flaming enthusiasm'!! what a visual. thanks.

  14. HA FIYAH! I love it! I love todays qoute it's perfect!! Yes I am on fire- I started out wanting to stop my fear from making all of my parental decisions and now it has turned into a full blown life makeover!! I can't thank you enough for this challenge!

  15. Thanks for the challenge. I hope to continue even after the 21 days are over. I'm going pretty strong. The quotes really help, plus it's nice that everyone out there helps to keep me in line and not quit. :)

  16. I'm still having a tough time getting started! I knew that I would be a week behind everyone but it's been hard getting the motivation to start to change. This has never happened before to me...I am always setting new goals for myself and have never really struggled to begin something new. I've been sick (and I don't get sick very often) so I think this has a lot to do with my procrastination.
    I LOVE your word art and quotes and am determined to start my 21 days!!

  17. Aww Rhona...you have given us enough gifts already with your artwork and your time...can't say thank you enough. Have a great day, Roberta

  18. Monday was not a great day in the eating department. Can I say that PIZZA was a huge craving??? Oy. Back okay last night for dinner and today will be great! I know it. Inspiring reading here. Love the quotes. Haven't had time to download but will do so because they get me going! Thanks, Rhonna.

  19. i'm amazed at how well i'm doing. i just feel so "pumped" about reaching my goals. i love reading through everyone's posts. you all keep me going. and rhonna - a super HUGE thank you to keeping us going with your beautiful "prompts". i've been inspired creatively, emotionally, & physically. who's on "fiya"? i'm on fiya! let's kick it into high gear - i'm lookin' for "blazing". anyone else? i've not waivered one bit - though the temptations have been plenty. and that's because of YOU! again, i'm amazed! THANKS EVERYONE!


  20. I am loving this! I have a couple of things I'm working on with this challenge: getting back into the habit of running (including a journal), developing my own creativity activities, and getting out of the sweatpants/ponytail everyday routine! Thanks, Rhonna!
    ~ky {scrapacat}

  21. Thanks for the inspiration Rhonna! It's been a little easier than expected but your words truly are keeping me motivated! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  22. Hi Rhonna - great progress here! I was so excited yesterday when I realized things are falling into place with my goal! I haven't told my husband about my challenge but I am pretty sure he is noticing a change too!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration! :)


  23. Day 9 WOOHOO! I am filled with Enthusiasm today! I feel energized and I'm starting to really not miss coffee - I have the desire for it but not the feeling that I NEED it.

  24. I am feeling great in this challenge...it's not just 21 days for me...but taking steps to make positive changes for the rest of my life!!!!
    I have to say that a dear friend of mine was killed in a tragic accident Monday evening..and if I wasn't in the frame of mind that I am in now..things would have been so different. I have the energy and strength to help the family now and be of service to them...all these precious words of encouragement you have shared are for the good!!
    Thanks so much for giving of yourself....my friend was like that too..and I want to make a difference and be better!!1 Believe it girls we can!!!!!

  25. My enthusiasm is on fire...thru this I have truely started eating better...even know I only wanted to give up pork..it this has certainly opened many doors for me and my tatse palette..I thank you for that...

  26. First of all thanks for this fantastic project!!! is absolutely awesome read and look the creativity around!! ♥ I'm still thinking in your phrases and can't decide for two ideas to work... really is a cool project!!

  27. Hi Rhonna this 21 day challenge has really force me to take the time I need for me. I was in the habit of waiting until everything else was done and then it was me time well we all know how that works out. your inspiration, quotes and words have been great thank you so much

  28. I am doing great, a few beginning to slide back moments that I was able to "nip in the bud" quickly, which I think is half the battle. Slip slide get back in stride.
    Enjoying this journey

  29. I started the challenge later but already have a few days behind and really enjoy it...thanks for your your enthousiasm and motivation

  30. I'm taking the challenge!!! Rhonna, Thank you for offering this challenge! I hadn’t posted any comments yet, but I’ve been printing the BEAUTIFUL art everyday and working on my journal!!! This has been a really hard YEAR for us, and just when I thought it was getting better...It went downhill again. My challenge to myself is to be a POSITIVE person, in my thinking and outlook!!! Being negative doesn’t help our situation!!! So in these 21 days I WILL BECOME a more POSITIVE PERSON!!! I will Count my blessing instead of my defeats!!! Thank you again!!!

  31. i just found your blog and am in love! I am going to start the 21 day challenge today im so exctied! the quotes are so inspiring and you have an amazing talent. thanks for helping us all!

  32. oh darn... now my journal doesn't look so cute ;)

  33. Woo Hoo...I'm on Day 7 and so happy to have completed the first week already. Time does fly and I'm so glad that even through I was a few days late in starting...it hasn't bothered me. Mainly because I'm doing this for me and no one else so I'm not getting hung up on what everyone else is or is not doing. LOVE your journal Rhonna and so glad you shared some pics with us. Thanks so much for ALL that you do, fondly, Roberta

  34. lovely journal Rhonna you are such an inspiration

  35. shabby juls, i'm so sorry to hear that! keep on keepin' on!

    and everyone else, LOVE it! you guys are so inspiring! seriously!
    mmm*wah to all the 21ers!!!

  36. LOVE your pages.
    so LOVE your 'doodling'. would enjoy seeing more of that.

    yikes...did you hear that thud? that was me falling off the wagon...great, great break down.
    but!!! i am not down for the count...am getting back up again and moving forwards.
    thanks, rhonna!
    (will it have to end at 21 days?)
