Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 3::Halloween ideas & other fab stuff!

Did you
see the fantastically inspiring House of 3 Halloween charms Janet made? um..I'm dying. She's so clever! I just love these! **and she's super woman..I mean she just had her baby!

Check out the Inspiration House for more info on how she did it...seriously, amazing! Thanks for inspiring us, Janet!
And, tomorrow check back for some fun Haunted Label ideas! eee! love it!

And... a little more about Spark. We are getting a lot of questions about the fantastic creative event. We'll be announcing classes & teachers very soon. The 4 of us will be
Sparkin' it up & sharing WHY we want you to come to Spark...since we can't squeeze through the computer, we'll have a video for you! soon...promise! Did you see the fabulous April's blog talking about it? And Miss Heidi's? **thank you girls for the blog love! mmmm*wah! Yea...the Sparks are flying...soo excited! Please share other blogs/sites that are helping the Sparks fly! We love to see them!

Another fab site I'm loving...Created by Chicks. House of 3 was featured on there for our jeweled vinyl chandy stickers! Thanks, CBC!

I love the creative things Quinn has found for us. I mean this green piano
from Design Mom? yum. And
these hair pieces? in love. And these Sassy Scarves? I promptly bought this IS September, right?!

And, as I pronounced to the universe yesterday (via Facebook & Twitter) ...I'm starting my own personal {21} Challenge...yesterday, actually. Today is Day 2 (Sept. 2) of no refined sugar. no soda. no caffeine. I've found that's about all I eat lately. bad, Rhonna, bad! So...I"m turning over a new leaf. Anyone wanna join me?

have a fab day.

p.s. thanks for the honest & fanstastic feedback I got from you yesterday in the 7 second test!


  1. love this! i'm in on the 21 day challenge!
    lol @ bad rhonna...

  2. If you are reading this and your aren't registered for SPARK, why are you still reading? Get going girl!

  3. hi you...I am so so glad that I found your new blog...I still have my first three 21 day books from way back when and love love everything you do!!!! Congrats on all of the creative success and how to re-connect with you soon....
