Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 14:: The {21} Challenge

Day 14:: Can you believe it? 2 weeks ago we started on Day 1. And here we the home run stretch. Yes. only a week left! The countdown is on...I have to say..I'm enjoying it. It has taken me 2 weeks to really enjoy how I feel w/o sugar & sodas! But, it feels good, although, everyday is still a struggle....I have to concentrate!

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Buddha

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
...concentrate on the present moment. Remind myself that I love this feeling of succeeding! That the present moment is everything right now....that it is what will get me to my goal.

today: week 2. Check in....tell me how you are doing & what you plan on doing to concentrate on success to get you to the end!

Happy Day 14!


  1. This is great! I need precisely to concentrate on my main goal: been more organized (establishing priorities is my key here) and do not disperse in related things...

    Thank you Rhonna! great inspiration and beautiful art as always!

  2. I know I can say it every day, but I just love your work. You are awesome! Thanks for sharing your talents!!!

  3. gorgeous quote for today! I am a bit behind in posting, but will catch up today,have done the days consistently, just the artwork I need to finish!

  4. "concentrate"...that's perfect for me today. i almost got side-tracked on my goals yesterday - too many fresh baked chocolate chip cookies in my kitchen! *wink* been going strong. i must concentrate on what i've already achieved and how awesome it will feel to have a superstar finish! thanks rhonna!

  5. I have mostly stayed on track ..just a couple of little blowouts on the food front, but importantly I got right back on track instead of feeling defeated and giving up! Thanks for keeping us inspired!

  6. Love this quote. It is easy to think of the past and future not "concentrate" on the present! Thanks!

  7. I love the graphics you give us everyday..I so look forward tot hem...I have been concentrating on making new choices in my day to day life...must reach my goal....keep on going ladies.hope all are doing well..

  8. This quote could not have come at a better time. Tip of advice to all challenging yourself, read Eckhart Tolle's, A New Earth!!! It is great inspiration!

  9. I am doing great and feeling great. I have kept to my goal for exercising 2x a week and once on the weekend. I feel great Thank you (oh and i am down 7 lbs)


  10. Day 14 already. Today it doesn't seem like it...some days have been a struggle for sure. But I am very proud to say I have gotten out and done my walk every single day! And last night a friend called to see if she could come with me today!! So fun to inspire others!!! Thanks for the beautiful artwork everyday. Need to catch up on my journal & posting pics on my blog :)

  11. i am journaling every day and so far i have kept up! i am so happy too, i love the way it makes me feel, i can just release all of my stresses of the day and let it go.
    i have really enjoyed this so far, more then i thought i would and i will continue to do it after the challenge is over so than you!


  12. Perfect quote for today. I had been doing great-HUGE strides in battling my fear and living each day it's fullest! However yesterday was the best and worst day all rolled up into one! Todays quote couldn't be anymore accurate for my situation. So I will pick myself up- dust myself off and CONCENTRATE on TODAY! ;)

  13. This is one of my all time fav quotes and now I have such beautiful artwork to go with it. Thanks!!!!
    I am a little behind posting but have kept up with checking in everyday and have even finished some things I had begun that needed finishing (that was my goal-to finish all my loose proyects, or some at least)

  14. Thanks for the encouragement. Things are going well here. It is getting easier as the days progress!
    Thanks for the beautiful art - Love it!

  15. checking in here.
    using effort and enthusiasm to work my plan today. avoiding looking back on my history as a guide to what the future will be. courage and perseverance are my battle cries currently.
    so thankful!

  16. concentrating on a healthier me! ...a month from now... @ my birthday... @ christmas time. soo worth it!

    it feels great to be a part of this challenge! thanks for doing this and thanks for all the awesome quotes!

  17. I just started today!! But I'm afraid of not succeeding so the concentrate reminder is a helpful one. Thank you!

  18. I just love the artwork you are coming up with. I have been following along faithfully and have been successful which is awesome. I haven't really been keeping an art journal but I am looking forward to starting one. I have found that it is both inspiring and empowering to see creativity put to such practical use.

  19. 2 weeks down 1 to go......woohooo........Easier than ever to choose water over feels good to make better decisions and stick with it. Thanks for keeping me focused.

  20. I'm concentrating on that finish line and beyond. Knowing I've gone 2 weeks without coffee makes me feel that I can go even further even though my husband ordered coffee (before I became a 21er)and it arrived today it is sitting unopened!

  21. Well I'm getting there...just posted pgs 9 & 10...will get caught up this week...still inspired and still creating every day...just was not up to full potential with headache over the weekend. Not feeling stressed about my progress...because I just don't do that sort of house is a "drama free" zone. Have a great week Rhonna...and thanks a bunch. R

  22. Hi Rhonna and girls...just focusing on makng it through. When I get a decline or someone does not call back, I walk away, take a deep breath ammd regroup..we will all make it!

  23. Just posted Day 14...I'm creating every day and had a great weekend, relaxing and appreciating art. Got caught up on a few of my projects so now working on posting my journal pages.
