Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Did you see the House of 3 Heart box?

If you aren't on our newsletter mailing on over & sign up. The heart boxes are so fantastic. I seriously can't get enough of them. We are running a special: only $14.99 or 5 for $50! (trust me, you'll want more than one!)

These hearts are missing something: YOU!!!
You put your creativity, your style, and your "heart" into them... and they become beautifuL!

hearts ready for creativity!
ready for color!
ready for life and love and joy!
fill them..

We've been busy working on lots of inspiration.
check this cute Halloween one out! Heidi is giving 3 of them away over at our Inspiration House! Hurry!


P.s. I have to confess 21ers. In an attempt to have a treat tonight, I grabbed a pack of gummy vitamin c slices, thinking they were glucose. I ate them (they tasted so good.) And THEN, I looked at the ingredients...
it had stinkin' organic cane sugar in it! arrggghh! I feel bamboozled! :(
Oh well...I'll pick myself up. Dust myself off. & continue the journey!


  1. These are lovely! You really inspire me! I love your blog!Off to check out these hearts!

  2. I received my House of 3 Heart box kits in the mail today. They are lovely even better than the picture and super fast shipping.
    Thanks to everyone at Hof3

  3. Yes, will LOVE the boxes!

    And susan...YEA>>>so excited to hear!
    share what you DO with them! ok? we love that!

  4. Dust yourself off Miss Rhonna..being perfect is the not objective! Changing our perspective and long term behavior is the objective! We love ya! (And I am nowhere near giving up sugar or caffeine...ugh!)

  5. HA! It happens to the best of us! Love the heart boxes!
