Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 1:: The {21} Challenge

Welcome 21ers! ....totally looking forward to this journey with you all! To some it's a welcome back. To others it's a welcome to the journey! Either way....let's enjoy the ride!

A bit of background of
The {21} Challenge.

In February of 2006, I had some goals in my mind that I really wanted to work on, but they were difficult ones. Things I wanted to change, but I knew it would not be easy. I was reminded that it takes
21 days to create a habit. I had some good habits I wanted to create; along with some bad habits I wanted to leave behind. But, I needed some kind of push, some kind of motivation that would really help me in this journey. I thought about it for a few days.
One morning, I woke up from a dream with this idea in my head:
combine 3 things:

1. The 21 days of habit with
2. Art journaling I love and

3. Have daily motivational quotes that will kick me in gear.

THEN, I thought: Why not push it a little further & include those people/friends on my blog…the ones I’ve met from all over the world!
This was
IT! This was one of those moments that I got goosebumps when this idea flashed in my mind… I was so excited.
So, I searched through all of my favorite quotes & came across this one by Marianne Williamson:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
from 'A Return To Love'

This was just what I needed to kick me in the pants! I loved it! It spoke to me & I immediately sat down & started to formulate
The {21} Challenge. I started creating art combined with these quotes & each day as I did, the ‘change’ I wanted to see in myself was happening. It was so encouraging!

As I shared it with others on my blog, amazing things started to happen. I started getting emails from people all over the word who were feeling the same uplifting courage and seeing wonderful things happen inside of them. Their art was speaking to them. Their creative juices were flowing WHILE they were creating new habits or breaking old ones.

Each day, I would look forward to the time I had to create & really let go with my art & creativity. The art journaling helped all of us move beyond words & encouraged our own daily creative ‘play’, ‘practice’ & ‘exploration’. And I was able to develop a whole slew of creativity exercises that I do faithfully everyday to help keep things flowing!

As we create the next round of The {21} Challenge together, remember; it's an incredible creative journey. It will be difficult and it will be rewarding. But, it will kick your creativity up to a level that will surprise you! Each day I will have a quote & word for each of us to creatively play, practice & explore. Our art will help us as we take this challenge together...and we
will succeed in our goals!

Day one:

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before.

Don’t let fear of failure discourage you. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside. You are a great power for good. You will make the world a better place. Lift up your chin; walk tall. God loves you."
D.F. Uchtdorf
21 days will go by no matter what. So, why not take that 1 habit you want to make or break & do it. Change. Be that power for good that you have the potential of being as you change for the better. You will make your world a better place. By the end of the 21 days you will have succeeded!

Take each minute, each hour at a NOT give in to your old habits. This is worth it, trust me. You can do it. I believe in you!

**Note: I have changed this a bit. I am offering a colored quote art each day. And a black & white word that goes with the day's motivational quote. You are free to download these & use them in your personal journey, but please no selling, sharing or claiming it is your art. This is all copyrighted material. Fortunately, most rounds I've done everyone has played nicely.

Colored word art: print out on cardstock, photo paper, ink jet transparency, or the Avery sticker papers. This will use more ink, but it will look fab!
Black/white word art: print out on all of the above OR colored patterned papers. This will not take as much ink.
(House of 3 can answer a lot of questions about printing, etc.)
& here's a blog button/gadget you can add to your sidebars!


  1. This is great! Thank you! I'm in!

    great idea and lots of inspiration! Thank you Rhonna!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so excited you are doing the 21 challenge again!!! I joined in the last two and LOVED them, they really motivated me and helped me, I will be joining in this time for sure! Thanks Rhonna!

  4. wow! great post! i have a job interview tonight. i really want that job and your post has just given me the little extra boost i needed!! thanks Rhonna.x

  5. Rhonna I'm so excited to start this 21 day journey!! When I saw the quote from Marianne Williamson I got goosebumps.... I listen to her daily {iphone podcasts} and that is one of my VERY FAVORITE quotes!! Thanks!! and thank you for the downloads!!

  6. I love that you started with Pt. Uchtdorf's quote! It has been motivating me since I first heard it. I wish I could join the challenge right now, but I'm about to have twins in the next week or so, and they will be enough challenge for me right now, but I do look forward to the encouragement and lovely art! Thanks!

  7. I'm so glad you're having the 21 Challenge again. I've joined the past challenges and I'm definitely not going to miss this.

  8. I'm in and looking forward to making changes...thanks for inspiring us and sharing your beautiful art!!!!

  9. I am so excited to start this. Not only does my creativity need a jolt but I need to break my way out of hand coffee habit and get into good workout habits!

  10. Yay, Rhonna!

    SO excited to participate in another 21 Day challenge! I already know what I'm working for with this one and it may be my toughest one yet.

  11. Thanks so much Rhonna! I'm in. This is just great. Thanks for the extra inspiration to make a change and for the downloads.

  12. Rhonna, I am so inspired to take this 21 Challenge with you ladies, I need to become healthy in developing a walking routine. And having a creative time everyday for 21 days straight is exciting. I will scrapbook about it. Love this idea...
    Peggy Lee
    Whitefield, NH

  13. I have a challenge for my self that I have started already the 1t of this have inspired me with the 21 day challenge to keep it up...I need to make this a permanent change...I am in...thanks so much..

  14. Seriously excited that you initiated this again...I joined in a couple years ago and it was such a great experience.

    Here's my first entry on my blog.
    Day One

    Can't wait to be inspired by everyone! :)

  15. Hi Rhonna, I'm up for the challenge! I took your class at CE 2007. Time for a change! Thanks for opportunity to play. Hugz, Z

  16. Ooh! I *think* I'm in. I want to be so badly, but I just started grad school (along with working full time) and I'm finding it hard to find time to adjust. Hm..maybe THAT needs to be what I need to work on? haha I will try my best, it might take me 31 instead of 21 ;)

  17. Found this on Elizabeth Kartchner's blog and so glad she directed me this way! This is a great idea... and is just the thing I've been looking for! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful quotes and art you've created! I'm excited for the journey!

  18. I'm so glad I found this on Elizabeth Kartchner's blog! I've been trying to get myself motivated to change my eating habits & I think this might just be the way for me! I'm starting today! Yay!

  19. I want to thank you for giving proper credit to the true author of this amazing quote! I cannot tell you how many times I have seen it quoted as Nelson Mandela, which is wrong. If I had written such a profound statement, it would deeply offend me to have credit given to someone else. Thank you!

  20. This is fantastic! I'm going to post it on my blog and encourage my friends and family to join in!!

  21. hi rhonna!
    I did the 21 challenge in 2006....back when I started digi scrapping and i'm ready to do it again! thanks for the inspo!


  22. awww...yeaH! I'm in! I need this! :)

  23. I'm in!! Can't wait! This is my first time!

  24. I remember the first time you did was amazing! I'm in! Thank you for doing this again and for the beautiful quotes!

  25. I am definitely playing along again...I think that this will make about my 5th or 6th round.

    I had a hard time settling on what to do this time around. I really want to do a traditional art journal for the sake of creating daily so I am actually doing 2 journals.

    The first is focused on my 21 days to change a habit- I need to limit my internet time (wasting) and if that is successful then the art journal will be a breeze to fit in. I want to do an art journal about my dh who is deployed right now...a bit of art therapy because I am missing him.

    So that is my goal and I plan to start tomorrow. Thank you so much for the push Rhonna!!! smiles...

  26. I found this on Elizabeth Kartchner's blog and I am so glad I did! I totally need something like this right now! I'm in! Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. It is only 2 o'clock in California. I can still jump in with both feet to join this journey. My first 21 day round was UnbElievAble. Hoping to take advantage of your incredible generosity, Rhonna.

    Are we posting our daily art and if so, where?

  28. I'm very excited to join your challenge! I've already grabbed your button for my blog and i'm sure I will blog about it as I go along! what a wonderful idea! If this works in 21 days I will have broken a very bad habit!!! hooray!

  29. Thanks for making me feel so POweFul today......I am up for this challenge!!!! I am putting your button up now!!!

  30. Wow Rhonna this sounds fantastic, and just what I need right now. Thanks so much for the downloads. I can't wait to get into this, I know it will be great. Thanks again.

  31. So excited to be participating this time - maybe a little differently than you would want but by writing out thoughts and such on my blog ( to be scrapbooked later. So glad that you're doing another challenge that I can finally do :)

  32. wow! this sounds so overwhelming to me right now...but it's exactly what i break a habit or two and move toward who i am really suppose to be.
    i am challenged...
    once again.

  33. Nice! I will have to start asap! I love the graphics you made for it. I look forward to scraping this later.

  34. Hi Rhonna! I'm new to your blog & from what I see, I LOVE it! Came over from Elizabeth K's blog :o) Not sure if TIME will allow me to play along, but what a great idea! There are plenty of "things" that I need to work on! Thanks for the inspiration!

  35. OH, I've just popped in and found out that you started the 21days challenge!!! Tho i'm late with a few days, but count me in!!! WOW, i'm so excited. i loved it last year!!!
    betsie from hungary

  36. I look forward to joining in on this challenge. Thank you!! Can't wait to get started!

  37. I am in for the 21 day journey! Love this! Thank you!

  38. Rhonna, thank you, thank you, thank you. You were my inspiration for getting started in the scrapbooking journey to begin with. And your 21 Days has been there every single time I needed a little boost. Definitely need to do this now.


  39. I'm a day late...but that's you said...your first day can be when you say it is. So today is Wed. 09/09/09 and I've started and posted on my's the link:
    So now I'm off to start creating my journal entries. Thanks Rhonna
    btw...are you going to start a list of everyone who wishes to share so we can see what everyone else is doing? Thanks, Roberta

  40. I am excited for this challenge! Thank you for the inspiration! The habit that I want to get into is going to the gym or working out every single day! I am right now about 3 days a week and want to do it more often and I know I can!

  41. Where do I sign...I'm all in! ...It was just today I was think in my car about all the reason why I won't try- well, 21-challenge MAKE ME OVER!!! Good Luck {especially me!}

    Thank you for the motivation and encouragement I can't wait to hear more!

  42. First time to your blog...and I love it! I couldn't believe it when I read the challenge...I heard the 21 days to break a habit...change the "information highway" in your brain before...and often tell people...and challenge myself too! I'm sooo excited to come across your challenge to incorporate art!! Thanks so to figure out the downloading/printing (not my best attribute..maybe that will be a change ;) ) cheers from Vancouver Island Canada!

  43. i do believe i will embarq on your 21 day journey! thanks for the inspiration to improve!

  44. I'm inspired! Your post really spoke to me. I've been struggling with my creative process and just have some things to work through. Love the idea of this challenge. So I'm in! Behind a little, but that's okay. It's never too late right!!

  45. Wow, I don't think I love a website more than yours. Just found you through Farmgirl Paints! I'm in. I'm training for 4 half marathons in October to raise money for kids in India who have AIDS. The cause is great my training is lacking. I need this challenge!

  46. I'm starting Day 1 today, a few days late, but I'm okay with that! Looking to visiting your blog posts to get inspired.

  47. I'm loving this challenge!!! Can anyone advise me on how to add the 21 Challenge blog button to my own blog?
    Thanks Rhonna

  48. I just found your 21 day challenge and am going to start! Thank you for taking the time for us to share this with you!You have a wonderful creative gift~
    I was trying to get the gadget (link) so I could put it on my blog but cannot get the code am I doing something wrong?

  49. WOW! Rhonna...I was in such a rut and was wanting to give up on a lot. :) I didn't realize this was what the {21} Challenge was! :) I think you all are on Day 10, but I will catch up! :) WOW! This post was very inspirational. I really loved the quote about not letting criticism paralyze you. :)

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I've already started...a few days behind with my commitment but love the idea

  52. Hi, I've been following your challenge thru Farmgirl Paints site, started last week. It didn't go too well, so hoping this week will kick into gear more. I can't believe how hard this is, I thought it would be easy :0

  53. Rhonna I must be living under a blog rock, this is the first I have heard of your BRIL idea!!! Love all the graphics you created for it and the concept is truly inspired. You RULE!!!

  54. Rhonna, I've been thinking and thinking again, and finally I can say: I'm in. Starting fresh at day one, and being so thankful for the first quote. Thank you! I'm crossing my fingers for me to be able to change my habits, and thanks to your encouragement I really think I will.
