Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 16:: The {21} Challenge & Happy Birthday!

Day 16: ahhhh! lovin' this, aren't you guys? I gotta feelin'....that today's gonna be a good day! I've got a good attitude today...& yesterday! I had such a super day...went running 10 miles, wasn't even tempted (that much) by sugar or caffeine! IT's getting easier! But..I also know that we all have bad days...don't let it get you down. Focus on your attitude!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote:"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." William James
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Attitude. It's all about attitude today. Alter your attitude towards your bad day. or your obstacles. or how difficult it may be...to:
I can do this.
I am strong.
I am made to succeed.
I can live my best life.
I have control over my choices.
I can choose to win.
So, yesterday I was taking my creative walk & drinking my peach detox tea & this was the 'quote' on the tea bag....

LOVED this. Had to take a pic for you! It's true...we've come 16 days & we are feeling great, acting great & we need to approve of ourselves...our actions, our efforts, our abilities to succeed!

I giggled at many of your comments saying: "This quote is perfect for me, how did you know?" or
"Are you a mind reader? I needed to hear this."

Let me tell you...on Round 19 of The {21} Challenge, I've come to know exactly how I'll be feeling at certain days during the journey. I enjoy finding new quotes each day that will inspire, uplift & motivate us at just the right time.
I've used many quotes through the rounds & I like to always use new ones...even though that first one from Marianne Williamson is so perfect for every single opening day!

So...I've had many of you sending me new quotes...love them. LOVE that you are looking for new ones that inspire you....please continue to share your favorite quotes. I love them!

Happy Day 16!

& a HUGE happy birthday to my darling niece Ashley! We love you! We are so thankful you are in our family...you are beautiful inside & out!


  1. I'm not doing the challenge but I really needed a reminder about the importance of attitude. Thank you! :)

  2. ok. so i totally just loaded the "i gotta feelin" onto my blog. it's perfect for today. i'm feeling better than i did yesterday. a little more energized, for some reason? you have no idea how close i came to devouring chocolate chips & skipping out on the art journaling. NO! i told myself "no"...and somehow it worked. so THANK YOU 21ers and rhonna. i made it through one of my toughest days because of your encouragement - special thanks to geralyn - your posts on my blog are MUCH appreciated.

  3. Great quote and you go on the 10 mile run! :-)

  4. Wow a quote and a music booster.....I hear that song I gotta feelin' everyday on the radio and think of young people who are going out to a dance or just to have fun....but, today I am going to use it for celebrating the challenge....Love the quote and picture today---love that you are using butterfles. Ahhhh...and I just read jess's comment......thank you---it's nice to be able to support each other!

  5. happy Birthday Ashley..

    Attitude is what has got me this far..I adjusted it to accomplish my challenge...I lvoeo the graphics you do every day they inspire me to come back everyday and keep this up..thanks .have a great day.

  6. Wow...we are almost there! The feeling I have is that I will keep on walking long after the 21 days has come & gone!! Thanks for that! :)

  7. I love how a little bit of success actually breeds more success in other areas. I've had some health problems this past year and our family has been struggling with dealing our teenage son's mental illness. As a result, I've missed alot of work...so my 21 challenge has been regular attendance. This might seem like a no-brainer but I'm often torn between mothering and my work respinsibilities. I have been letting my son's disease become the center of my life and it is not healthy for either one of us. Anyway, I have not missed a day of work in 4 weeks and it feels so great. This feeling of accomplishment has inspired me to get up & get moving. I've worked out twice this week and just keep feeling stronger! Thanks!!!

  8. I adore and needed your inspiration today! I really need to find a tea bag like that...one that will speak to me! Love it and Happy Birthday..Ashley
