Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday WOW!>>>>Dear Lizzie

There are so many things that just make me say:

I want to share my Wednesday Wow with you on this last day o' September:
Local goodness: Dear Lizzie Boutique & Bistro.

(all photos: Dear Lizzie Website. by Studio 111)

You just walk into this boutique & you go crazy with inspiration. It's the kind of place I could be in for hours & still miss something because I've been busy feasting on the eye candy....there's just so much inspiration ooozing!!
Laura Jarman, the owner, has an a*mazing sense of style & it reflects in every nook & cranny in the boutique & bistro. From the scrumptious color of the walls>>> to the mouth-watering candy displays>>>> to the gorgeous clothing she carries>>>to the vintage re-purposed décor>>> to the sassy jewelry that makes you feel like singing. Truly...it's an experience you must try! It is one of my favorite local inspiration trips I take during my creativity exercises!
The bistro is delicious & displayed soooo creatively! Last week Laura did a spot on NBC Salt Lake affiliate: Studio 5. Check this out!

Like I said...isn't Laura amazing??? (p.s. someone else will be on Studio 5 this Friday morning....do NOT miss it! *wink*...don't kill me, sweets..I'm just so excited to see you!)

I am also incredibly excited for this week's Knitting 101 class at the Bistro by THE talented Kelly McCaleb! Liz, Jefra & I are going to get our knit on...right there in the Boutique/Bistro! (Kelly is also one of our fab Spark teachers!)

5 wows.

What makes YOU say Wow on this Wednesday?

ppssstt: what would you say if I told you Dear Lizzie is going to be a part of Spark? yea. I saved the best WOW for last! wwoohooo! Tickled...pink!


  1. Wow! Reading fun blogs like yours is one reason to say Wow on a Wed. And Wow...I love watching the sun come up in a quiet house sipping coffee...that's just a simple reason to wow, but sometimes the simple reasons are the best!

  2. Wow---the windows and cupcakes look wonderful. Today my wow is I am going to see Bruce Springsteen and he is going to perform the whole Born to Run album---WOW!!!!!!!

  3. Oh I sure hope the third comment brings me luck! I wish i could attend this event so much! I am in love with Dear Lizzie too eversince your last post. Tks for this giveaway. You Sparked my day:)

  4. very, very fun! what an inspiring place. people are so wonderful.

  5. what gives me a WOW Wednesday is coming to my favorite places in blogland and getting totally inspired...like here I am inspired everyday I visit...enjoy your Wow Wednesday

  6. Rhonna - Are you going to be creating any Christmas brushes? I have loved the ones I have already purchased and would really like to see a Christmas theme brushes, as I am thinking about designing my own card this year.

  7. Hi, I have followed your blog for awhile now. I am just here to remind you that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as a survivor, I am just going to all the blogs that I read to remind you to do your self breast exams. Have a great blessed day and DONT FORGET TO CHECK YOUR BREAST! Visit my blog for a Breast Cancer giveaway.
