Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Spark ticket giveaway...NOW!

Hurry! Oh Sweet Sadie is hosting a Spark ticket giveway. NOW! We are giving away one full admission ticket...$300.oo value!


  1. ooohhhhh a free ticket to the greatest event on earth???? Love it!

  2. Just in case - I'm signing up here, too!! Wow, what a giveaway...

  3. Just went over to Oh Sweet Sadie....
    I already have my ticket purchased!
    I am coming with my BFF&A from is going to be the weekend of a lifetime :)I can't wait to hear more about it!
    {And to meet you finally - that is a story in itself}

  4. Are you kidding me??? OH I WOULD LOVE TO GO!!!

  5. Fantastic!!! What a great treat!

  6. Where there's Spark, there's FIRE. Count me IN.

  7. I am strong...and a free ticket to..thanks so much..make today a great day,

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am new to digi and just found this truly wonderful blog. What an awesome entry gift it would be to win this prize.
    Thank you

  10. Great giveaway...but just can't get there from here...Salt Lake City is just too far away...and I don't go anywhere with out my husband. Maybe next year it will be in the stars...thanks, Rhonna

  11. i'd drop everything to go to this! just lovely!

  12. At the risk of looking like a stalker (lol) I will comment here too. I hope that somehow I am the one out of 149 (and counting) comments that is picked to go! I am sure it will be awesome! Thanks for the 21 challenge. I did not actually commit to it, but I am loving all of the quotes and such. One of these days I will do it at random :)

  13. What a wonderful opportunity for one lucky gal - will it be me?
