Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 21:: The {21} Challenge & a celebRation giveaway!

Day 21:: It's here. This is it. By then end of today it will have been a 21 day/3 week journey of challenge, change, learning & success!
You did it.
Sweet victory!

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote:: "If you believe in yourself & have dedication & pride & never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." Paul Bryant

You've done it. You believed in yourself. You had dedication to keep going, to stay strong, to lift yourself up even if you fell....and now you will reap the benefits of the rewards: Your new habit.

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
victory. Oh sweet victory! So many rewards. So much cause for celebration! Each of you have done such a wonderful job. I seriously get goosebumps when I think of what you have accomplished. Each of us are *new*...our *best*!

Now. You can do a couple of things from here on out:
1. You can continue with this habit & never look back.
2. You can stay strong, continue with this habit & even start another round of The {21} Challenge & choose another habit to make or break.
3. You can slip back into your old habit.

I hope your answers are: 1 & 2. (Please do not choose #3!!!!)
Continue with your goals. Those of you that are a part of the 100 Creativity Exercises....this is your maintenance program. Seriously, after I do my rounds of The {21} Challenge, these creativity exercises are what keep me in tip top shape in staying
A. creative
B. consistent
& C. able to continue with goals in all areas of my life.

I love this quote:
"I urge you to examine your life. Determine where you are and what you need to do to be the kind of person you want to be. Create inspiring, noble, and righteous goals that fire your imagination and create excitement in your heart. And then keep your eye on them. Work consistently toward achieving them." Joseph B. Wirthlin

Keep your eye on it. Stay fired up! Work consistently toward achieving your goals to be where, what & who you want to be!

Please come back & share how you are doing every Monday! Celebrate! You deserve it!

Don't you love this 21 pin? I designed it for Creative Escape when I taught the {21} Challenge class & they generously gave me the extras! So....I'll be sending one to each of you!

Please send me your snail mail addresses so I can send them out. I know a lot of you that don't have blogs never got in on a lot of this, but you're included. (I've enjoyed hearing from you via email!)

And...for the BIG celebrations! The {21} Challenge Inspiration Box!

I have these fantastic House of 3 heart boxes to give away to 3 lucky 21ers! (oh, how I wish I had one for everyone!)
The front is doodled with my art, flowers, pearled flowers, bling & felt. Then embellished with today's VICTORY art printed out on inkjet transparency!

The inside has a commemorative '21' back there on re-colored House of 3 patterned paper. And inside is a bird with flowers....representing your freedom at then end of this journey!
Just leave a comment here, telling us about your experience in the {21} Challenge & I'll announce the winners this week!
Kudos to all of you!

Happy Day 21 & on...


  1. Rhonna! This shadow box is AMAZING! I will definately be buying a couple of these to create my own works of art with your inspiration I hope to have some just as cute as yours! I want to THANK YOU for this awesome challenge! I had hoped I would do well but wasn't sure! I'm glad to report that overall I did awesome! I am going to go with your #1 & #2! I feel so much better and now I'm ready to add exercise to my challange! Thanks again for all the art and your wonderfulness! Hugs all the way from Conroe, TX!

  2. How fabulous colors and quote for the 21th day!! the victory day and I can't believe that!!
    Thanks for these magical days, where we worked on ourselves and all around us, has been very special introspective exercise
    Thanks for doing us to stop and think ♥

    21 and on!! =)Happy victory day to everyone!!

  3. I started a bit later (today is day 16 for me) but I wanted to congratulate everyone on finishing their own challenges. For me it has been a bit of a creative kick in the butt that I needed. thanks Rhonna. I am already looking forward to the next one.

  4. Hi Rhonna, wow the chance to win one of these is amazing! Thank you so much for hosting this 21 day challenge! I have enjoyed every day. I enjoyed getting to know some of the other 21-ers out there and encouraging them and visa versa. I enjoyed creating every day and feeling my spirits uplift because of this. The quotes are those I can use time and time again and always go back to when I am feeling weak.
    Congrats to all who completed the 21 day challenge! I did it!! yahoo!!!!

  5. Thanks again Rhonna! Each quote was so motivating and helped me so much! Congrats to everyone who completed 21 days! YAY!

  6. Victory!!!!! Thanks Rhonna for all of your posts for 21 days and making the 3 prizes. You also made me feel like a freebird!!!!!! Free from soda's hold and making water taste good again......I am strong, confident, faithful that I will be successful at reaching for a water instead of a was a great challenge and I looked forward to your posts each and every day.

  7. Wow! This was just what I needed! My only daughter went off to Boston University and each morning I would send her these (I called them the quote of the day) inspiring quotes. She loved them and would comment on the art work or the meaning of the quote. It helped us get threw the separation between us. I hated the empty nest feeling but, got threw it with this challenge not to mention I also, gave up soda! ;o)
    THANK YOU sooo much! It meant more to me than you know.
    Hugz, Z
    New Jersey

  8. Wow! Rhonna

    I want to thank you all for helping me thru...the little exta encouragements that come along to make my day...the great inspirations everyday from you Rhonna...and the fact that I made it thru my challenge and I do believe I can actaullly keep with it..

    I may need to still come to your blog and post everyday but I don't think you will mind

    I hope and wish you all find Victory as I did and keep walking the good path..Lovde the giveaway too...

    happy 21st day to all my friends I have made along the way...Thansk Miss Rhonna.

  9. Rhonna, thank you once again for the challenge and for uplifting each and every one of us daily. I know I could have done it alone but it was so much easier knowing there were so many of us trying to reach our goals. Your quotes were so timely, so beautiful and so inspiring and your heart boxes are simply gorgeous and a great reminder to whomever wins one to stay strong! Allowing myself to create makes me feel so free and getting out there and biking/running/working out at least 4-5 times a week reminds me how good I felt when I did do it. Making the time was my challenge and I will continue 'making' time - I need it, my soul needs it. Thanks again, Rhonna for leading and supporting us in this and thank you 21ers for being beside me through this wonderful journey.

  10. I've made this a challenge to actually use the treadmill in my sunroom and firm up this Mommy's jiggly belly! Ugh, the trials of 2 children in my 4o's! And, as for the awesome artwork from you, I made a little journal (all with stash on hand) to post the inspirational quotes as well as record my progress each day. Thanks for the 21 Challenge kick. BTW-I arrived here via Liz Kartchner's blog.

  11. Rhonna,
    21 days come and go..and you can either be on the road to something new & fresh,with a purpose or the 21 days are just days gone by...ho hum.Getting myself back into the habit of working out 5 times a week was always a challenge for me with,this made may me realize how good I feel afterwards...thanks so much.
    Thank you so much for all of these inspirational quotes along the way...
    Gotta get moving..don't want to lose the momentum...

  12. Rhonna, It has been exciting every day to see what the new quote/inspiration word is...I also purchased the creativity exercises which I love...I am in the process of making a creative exercise journal and want to put all the 21 day challenge quotes in my journal for inspiration as well as keep me in check...Thanks for sharing this process with us...There are always bad habits to break and now we have a fun inspirational way to get there that as you said can be used over and over........Thanks and have a great day.

  13. You are AMAZING!!!I got so much inspiration from this 21 day challenge, it seems to go by so fast! Thanks for all the beautiful art work.

  14. are you kidding me!? first of all, it's the very last day of this extraordinary journey with everyone. and secondly - rhonna! i'm so super psyched that you are going to mail out little "medals" to all of us. you are too sweet. i LOVE it! (not to mention your 3 lucky winners for those boxes you've created). WOW! what an awesome way to end this journey together. i've REALLY been inspired by everyone here. 21ers...we are eternally connected! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. i could NOT have done it without you.

    you MUST go listen to the song i've posted on my blog today - for all of us. it's meant to push us through this very last day...together! (it'll either make you laugh - or put a huge smile on your face). either way, it's meant to push us to sprint to the finish! meet you in the winner's circle!

  15. Thank you again for such inspiration! Although my 21Day challenge was smaller than most (I gave up Dr. Pepper, which I drank 6 a day) I have accomplished a goal that I have failed in accomplishing after many other tries!! Fingers crossed I win one of the hearts!! They are absolutely gorgeous!! Tara

  16. Thanks for the opportunity to win, and thank you once again for this challenge! it is so inspiring and has allowed me to see a part of me i have not seen until now. I am the kind of person who always starts something and never finishes them, but i have finished this! and it feels good! So thank you!


  17. Beautiful, gorgeous box! Wow. The challenge has shown me that giving up Coke was not as hard as I thought. Trying to eat more natural and healthy is about stopping to make the right choice EVERY TIME. Writing down what I will eat that day as opposed to what I did eat that day; bringing my lunch to work; all good habits now begun because of this challenge. I went on a very sleep deprived business trip and except for one day of complete cravings, didn't give Coke a thought. I did have coffee though, but it is more natural! :-) THANKS THANKS THANKS, Rhonna.

  18. Rhonna,
    I started a little later, and I am still in the hard part. I'm hoping my cravings get a little weaker and I get a little stronger, but I'm doing good. Thanks for the inspiration. I love the quotes and they really encourage me. Thanks a bunch.

  19. What a great journey. In a time where so many of us feel down because of job losses, loosing connections with former co-workers, that were more than friends, workloads that get bigger and bigger but a paycheck that gets smaller, and next to no benefits, it does mean SO SO much to empower ourselves with positive thinking. Thanks, for these great enouragements.

  20. Amazing shadow box!! Love it! Thank you so much for your quotes and your inspiration for the 21 day challenge. The thing I wanted to do was get my rear-end to the gym every morning or at least once a day and so far so good.

    Congrats to EVERYONE who completed this challenge!!!

    Now I am going to start my other 21 day challenge and focus on healthy eating and being a vegan for 21 days!

  21. this was an enlightening experience. I started out a disbeliever but today and everyday I NEED to get out and exercise. You were so right that if you do something for 21 days it is a habit - embedded in my being.
    thank you so much.

  22. I worked so hard on my goal. I've come such a long way. It's so hard to completely try to break a bad habit! Thank you for this inspiration.

  23. Hi, Rhonna - as has been said before, your inspiration is awesome. I took your class at CE and loved every second of it.

    It was nice to have a group to check in with everyday. I am working to finish my book today and will post it on my blog.

    The challenge is working....last week I had the best luck so far. I think my attitude and perseverance were what made the difference. As we get ready to start the next 21 days on our own, I'd love to have your box hanging on my wall as a source of inspiration. If not, I'll close my eyes and imagine it.

    Thanks for being our fearless leader and good luck on yours too!

  24. Although I did not comment I checked in everyday during the {21} day challenge. I have made a big adjustment in my daily eating habits. I am back on track now and plan to make the change a permenent one! I have also used this challenge as a time to step out with my art and creativity. I am using embroidery in my projects and some hand sewing.
    I shall miss the daily check in!

  25. This challenge has been so much fun...and your commitment to us Rhonna is just amazing. Can not thank you enough:} We should be making you gifts! Love your creativity...but most of all your generousity which is a bigger benefit to all of us 21ers. We have all learned to be supportive and generous with our time to each other and I think that is the unexpected benefit of this challenge...made some great connections here and very grateful, indeed.

    Well I'm going to stick to this method and after this week of finishing up my art journal I am going to start my next 21-day challenge of meditating everyday. I feel it works best when you focus on one thing at a time so that you can suceed and then move onto the next challenge.

    Love the pins and the heart boxes arre of those would look so lovely in my studio :} Hope everyone has a great week, fondly, Roberta

  26. This 21 day challenge has changed me. I now have exercise in my daily life instead of a couple times a week. Which has given me the confidence to keep moving forward in my quest to become a police officer!! Thanks :) from the bottom of my heart!

  27. I've said it before, I CAN'T Thank you enough! I was trying to remember the other day how I found your blog. I couldn't (no matter how hard I tried) figure out which one led me to yours. Then I realized it doesn't even matter. The point is you came into my life when I NEEDED something. Who knows how long it would have taken me to discover the changes or inspiration I needed without Rhonna Designs? Thank you Thank you Thank you! Can I just say that I am going to take that pin and attach it to my purse so that I may be the "Spark" that someone else needs ;)

  28. happy victory day!! i love the quote for today. love the pin and boxes, you did an amazing job!
    i choose 1 and 2. on to the next challenge!

  29. Thank you so much for offering this challenge! I am a few days behind everyone else, I started late.... but I love the challenge! It came at the perfect time for me. I am working on thinking, acting and speaking positively! I have to say I have had a lot of opportunities to slide back and have been met with some opposition from people that are closest to me.... but then I realized that’s part of the challenge, to stay positive in every situation, with everyone! Nothing in my life situation has changed......but my attitude about it has!!!! thanks again!

  30. my life has been changed forever by just this small 21 day challenge..I have lost 10 pounds....but had a total change of thinking and behavior..I am confident that this will continue way beyond the 21 days! Thanks soo much for all of your inspiration and the time you have spent creating the art work and quotes. It means so much!!!!!!

  31. I have to say I'm sort of sad it's day 21! I'm so happy to feel like I've made a change and been victorious in my venture, but sad the new quotes and cute inspiration wont continue everyday! I think it should be 356 :) Thanks again, this was truly amazing!

  32. Thanks for the motivation to do something good for myself. I've already decided that I'll begin my next 21 day challenge on Oct. 1. And my husband thinks he might even join in! Congrats to everyone who made it!

  33. Rhonna, I couldn't have done it without you! These past 21 days have been absolutely FABULOUS!
    THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for all the inspiration!
    I can't stop now....I needed this push big time!

  34. This has been one of the greatest experiences! I beat the bad coffee habit, I can honestly say I've kissed the days of 14 cups of coffee a day goodbye, I've felt inspired, creative and I've met fabulous new people and found more amazing blogs and stories to read! The 21 days may be over but the adventure is still well underway!!

  35. Love it!

    This challenge journey has been plenty of surprises to me!I have a long way to go further but is a wonderful start that I'm following! (I got actually the habit to organize myself :) just need to focus on few things and not ALL my life at once! so I'm doing it: learning how to organize taking one challenge at the time and step by step, with energy and creativity!

    Thank you Rhonna! I enjoy it a lot!

  36. Hi!
    I love this challege and I LOVE all the quotes on your blog! I have printed some out and put them on my daughter mirror to help her out (she is right in the middle of Field Hockey season!)...
    I gave up carbs after 3pm... it has NOT been easy, I ended up giving my self a day "off" on Sundays... at first i thought there is NO WAY this can last, but now I can see that it is possible!

  37. WOW! What a beautiful work of art! And a priviledge to have one.
    Thank you for this challenge! I have truly enjoyed it. It was just what I needed!

    Linda, GA

  38. I have done it, only with your help. I have improved my health by lowering my weight and exercising 3 times a week and eating better. Thank you Angelica

  39. Wow! What an awesome journey it's been, some highs, some lows but very interesting; I've learned alot. Thanks for all your inspiring and uplifting words and art! And, of course, you're box is beautiful! You never cease to AMAZE me. Love reading your blog, it is part of my morning routine. I am going through a divorce right now so this couldn't have come at a better time. It has also helped my almost 12 year old daughter cope too. Thank you so much! :)

  40. Rhonna! I love how you decorate this shade box. I am so grateful that I signed up 21 challenge. It helped me alot, and inspire me everyday. Thank you for being a beautiful inside and outside.

  41. Rhonna,

    Thank you for your inspiration and your motivation. Just knowing that I could go check your blog for a new wave of inspiration has lifted me over the last few weeks. I have become more of the mom and more of the wife that I want to be because of you. It really is amazing how much I can do to this end. Many of the quotes really hit home for me and helped me to pinpoint some of my previous standstills. You are amazing!

  42. ahhhh! Rhonna! I made it to almost 3 weeks with no fries...and then my husband brought me lunch from BK! okay I gave in just this once! :) But I love this really isn't that long!

  43. I have loved this 21 day journey.
    I have learned so much during this process and I now have new tools and ideas to help make the changes more enjoyable. Using visually beautiful inspirational quotes, art journaling, creative exercises and making it as fun as possible were not things I would have thought of before this experience.
    Thank You So Much

  44. I am sad to say I did not finish this challenge. Not because I gave up, or did not want to, but due to a death in our family. I have printed all the materials and I will continue (and finish) this challenge, only with a slightly different out come than first planed. It will now be something I turn to everyday for a positive message in this difficult time. Thank you for this challenge Rhonna. When I started it I didn't even know how much I would need it. It had been a blessing in disguise.

  45. this challenge has been an answer to prayer. and what a wonderful way for a prayer to be answered. never knew what i was getting into. had no idea the power and thinking that would become a new daily routine for me. PLUS::the creative routine has been a wonderful PLUS to this. have been a wonderful encourager and mightly used. thank you for your time, your energy, and for your creativity. you have SPARKED alot of thinking during these past 3 weeks. i should be sending YOU a gift.

  46. you are an inspiration and your 21's have been great....i played again a few years backloved it then too......your prize is just amazing....thank you for all your inspiration ....mwah

  47. Rhonna, this has been an incredible challenge. I have learned so much; thank you for being such an awesome teacher. I, too, will add the exercises to my program.

    I want to back track and print all of the words and quotes and put them into a scrapbook. Wow, inspiration in a book would be so much fun to do. Thank you again for everything and for being our inspiration.

    Congrats, to you and ALL the 21'ers. You, also have taught me. I can't wait to pop back in to see how everyone is doing.

    Take care and remember that we are mighty and we are strong; victory is oh so sweet.

  48. Kim, please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

    We know you will finish the challenge. Please take care,

  49. I am in love with these heart boxes.....XOXO So glad I have got to follow the 21 Challenge it helped and changed me a lot in such a short to just stary strong!!!!

  50. So excited about the 21 day pin - proof positive. My challenge was to find more patience. The day to day stress plays heavy on my patience, I wanted to have a better attitude and be more patient and positive - this challenge has helped me turn it around and I am so grateful!

  51. Thanks for a glorious journey of challenge, self-discovery, and motivation! Your creative inspiration, positive energy, and encouraging words made my path of reinvention and rediscovery of self an easier one. Although the beautiful shadow box would be an unbelievable "gold medal," knowing that I was in good company among others also on a journey like my own is a gift in itself. Thanks so much for all your creative endeavors and touching the lives of others.

  52. This 21 day challenge has been so much fun, love the daily word & quote how could i not be inspired. I will do with #1 &#2, can't go backwards. I love your saying "Enjoy the Process" but it wasn't until I took this Challenge that I understood how those three word should apply to everything I do, no more going through the steps to get to the end. It's the getting there that makes each journey a treasure. I think I'm going to continue the challege myself and I am Enjoying the Process. Thank you Rhonna you are amazing Susan

  53. This process has taught me that I can change the things that I need to one step at a time. Thank you Rhonna!

  54. Just wanted to give you a shout out that I completed all 21 days and my artwork and final "book" is up on my blog!thanks again!

  55. Thank you for the chance to win one of your amazing creations! I have enjoyed the challenge and it has helped me to feel better about myself. I've struggled with depression, and this has given me hope that I can make it through. Thank you for that.

  56. Rhonna, thank you for your inspiration throughout this challenge, it has meant the world of difference to have all these inspirational people beside me going for their goals. I am happy to say that I stuck to the 21 days and will continue on from here with a whole new life changing habit. Thankyou again, Lisa xx

  57. Rhonna - great idea thanks for lighting our fire. Just wanted to share my idea on how to continue on with this idea -

    journal posters

    thanks for the inspiration

  58. I started late so I'm only on Day 10, but the Challenge has got me moving toward my goals (and back to setting goals, too!). I love the artwork for inspiration and I'm using my 21 journal to jot down creative ideas before they fly away!!

  59. Thank you so much for this challenge, Rhonna - I've looked forward to inspirational quotes paired with beautiful artwork to inspire me on the way to my goals every day! I got a late start and am still working my way up to Day 21, but the motivation to work on my three habits daily has been just what I needed to stay focused now that my kids are both in school. Thanks for the opportunity to win something, even though I feel like a winner already from this experience!

  60. Rhonna, thanks so much for inspiring and motivating and sharing a refreshing perspective that we should try to be our best on each special gift of these days that we are living! Thanks for believing in everyone ! The quotes you shared are so great! Your art is always beautiful ! I am choosing 1 and 2 and a re-do.
    I will definately use the 21 challenge to improve on many areas in my life. Thanks for the challenge! Congrats to all who made it !

  61. Just love this! You are sooooo talented! Thanks for this 21 days!

  62. I did my 21 Challenge book for my daughter who is 16 hoping that she has the courage and strength to go through life with her head held high. To inspire her to create and be her own person, no matter what. Thanks so much for giving me the start i needed to creat this album for her.

  63. I managed to keep up with running for the 21 days *mostly*...did my best!! Thanks so much for the beautiful motivation - it makes what is not so easy just a little bit easier!!

  64. Rhonna, this was a fantastic and life-altering journey. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing all about your next creative adventures. Here's to Spark!

  65. This was a fun journey for me with a new habit now part of me. I didn't get to blog much the first week, but I checked in every day and checked in with others taking the challenge. It was great to see everyone pull together and encourage one another. Thank you so much for hostessing this and for the FAB artwork! And congratulations on completing your challenge!

  66. I had forgotten that you were going to do this BUT today is a new day! I will be starting my own journey tomorrow and reading through each day.

    Congradulations to everyone that finished and to those still going, you are worth it!

  67. Hi Rhonna! Thank you so much. You have really inspired me. I have been doing well with my goal and plan on continuing working on it. I also came up with a new goal - so I am glad to have my journal for each of the days! :)
    Thanks again so much - OH and thanks for the chance to win one of these awesome Heart boxes!

  68. I did it! For the first time in 8 years, I have consistently exercised for 21 days straight. Thanks for the inspiration and the encouragement.

  69. On day four of the challenge I found out I had celiac disease, which basically means I am allergic to gluten. It was the perfect inspiration to keep me gluten free! It was/is wonderful to have an inspiring quote each day to keep me motivated. I made a binder and print of the quotes each day and journal a bit on what is going on each day--How the banana bread with gluten free flour was amazing, but the pizza was a total flop. I so appreciate what you did and the inspiration it provides me!

  70. Brittany!!!!!
    no. way.

    I was diagnosed with Celiac a little over a year ago!
    I"m so sorry, but so happy you found out what it was!

    YES>>>>this totally helps!
    Let's stick together for support!

  71. I love these boxes, Rhonna! After I sold my store, I stepped away from all things creative. You've inspired me to get back into the creative process - something I need now as I'm going through some tough realizations in my life. I thank you so much for this! I think it's the answer I've been praying for.


  72. Victory Is Mine...and I'm doing the happy dance right now! Thanks for sticking with me ladies, fondly, Roberta
