Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 2:: The {21} Challenge 09.09.09

Day 2: I LOVE today: it's 09.09.09. It just feels lucky today, doesn't it?

So? 9 questions:
1. How was your Day 1?
2. Did you make it?
3. Did you stay strong?
4. Did you take that step towards your goal?...towards the stronger YOU?
5. Did you make the time?
6. Do you feel good?
7. Do you feel the POWER inside of you?
8. Did you share this with others?
9. Do you feel strong?

Today's quote is: "A journey of a thousand steps begins with a single step."Lao-Tzu
Remember that. Take the next 21 days one step at a time. I've thoroughly enjoyed hearing what your goals are. I know, some are very personal & so you don't want to share them online. But, I've appreciated your emails & your commitments! Keep them coming! We are all on a JOURNEY that will strengthen who we are....who we are becoming...and who we will become.
And.. a note: If you missed the first day here, no worries. You can always jump in. Any time.
Simply stick to the 21 days consistently and you will see the changes!

This whole challenge is for you to enjoy the process of change. I believe we are here to become our best selves, to live our best lives. And what is my best may not be your best. That's ok. We are all different. We all succeed in different ways...we all have a different recipe. So, do this your
You can share your links to your art journals here.
You can share links to your blog so we can support you.
You can send an email to me & let me know how you are doing.

The point is: you need to be accountable for your goal. Choose how you want to do it & do it.

TIME is always a factor, I get that....believe me. But, tailor this to your needs. Decide how you can do it, even with the time factor. Because, let's face it...21 days is going by no matter what.
And we will never 'have time' unless we make the time to commit change.

This is the journey.
And you are taking it one step at a time.
So, I wanted to show you what became of my creative exercises I did yesterday in prep for my {21} Challenge journaling. This actually ended up being my Day 1 & I'm going to print it out & hang it. See? It is probably different than your Day 1 & that's OK...as long as we both did it!

Anyone want it? In celebration of 09.09.09 how about the first 100 people to download can print this off, too! frame, put in a book, whatever....enjoy!
**ETA: See? it IS your lucky day...next 100 people to download...it's yours!

**another ETA:
no. way! glad you likey! ok...again...for the next 100 people... here it is. hey. we only have a few hours left of 09.09.09, right? enjoy!
Have a fabulous Day 2...you can do it!

p.s. Go on over to the Inspiration House for a step by step tutorial on the new Heart Shadow Box project I did for the House of 3CK blog!


  1. This is great Rhonna! Thanks again. I keep going :)

  2. 9 questions:
    1. How was your Day 1? it was awesome becasue I had a goal
    2. Did you make it? Yes I did..
    3. Did you stay strong? yep all the way
    4. Did you take that step towards your goal?...towards the stronger YOU?yes, I could have given in ..but I prevailed
    5. Did you make the time? I did take my time to get past my down falls
    6. Do you feel good? You Bet
    7. Do you feel the POWER inside of you? I do indeed
    8. Did you share this with others? yes I did share this with my friend
    9. Do you feel strong? Absolutely

    Thanks on to another day.

  3. 1. How was your Day 1? GREAT!
    2. Did you make it? half way!!
    3. Did you stay strong? I tried.
    4. Did you take that step towards your goal?...towards the stronger YOU? Yes...
    5. Did you make the time? I did.
    6. Do you feel good? oh yeah
    7. Do you feel the POWER inside of you? it's flickering!
    8. Did you share this with others?I hope so!
    9. Do you feel strong? it's getting there!

  4. YES x 9 to your questions......Do I want the print????? Yes x 9,000,000!!!!!! I love the print you made. I am so into birds lately and the rays of sunshine bursting from your work, and the colors.....I love it!!!!! THank you!!!!!

  5. yea! i'm so glad you started this up again. DAY ONE posted on my blog and i'm looking forward to focusing on DAY TWO. & i'm so loving the free download - SCORE! thanks rhonna...

  6. This is great- thanks for the inspiration again.

    and thanks for the beautiful download- love it!

  7. Thank you for your inspiration. The universe works in just the way we need it to. I recently started a journey of my own forming one habit at a time, and being conscious that baby steps are good steps. I haven't visited your blog (or others) for a long time and today I popped on. Your eloquent words are just what I needed to hear (read). Thank you a thousand times! I am not the most talented or artistic but I am definitely going to join in and see where the process takes me.

  8. Your 21 challenges are always so inspirational! The download is beautiful too!! Thanks for taking another one of these on.

  9. 1. How was your Day 1? Great beginning
    2. Did you make it? Yes
    3. Did you stay strong? yes
    4. Did you take that step towards your goal?...towards the stronger YOU?yes
    5. Did you make the time? yes
    6. Do you feel good? definately
    7. Do you feel the POWER inside of you? not yet
    8. Did you share this with others? yes my husband
    9. Do you feel strong? yes

  10. The first day went much better then expected swapped a single cup of green tea for my usual 14 cups of coffee and me and my husband woke up just 15 minutes earlier so that we could workout. Feeling great!

  11. Rhonna...woke up feeling great today!!!! SO INSPIRED AND READY FOR CHANGE!!!!


    PS....I even woke up early and didn't make it in time for your download...you have soo many followers:) Enjoy the day!!!!

  12. Aww, I was too late for the download, but I LOVE the daily downloads. I'm trying to stop eating so many sweets and somehow, last night, I went without ice cream! Thanks for the motivation.

  13. Thanks for the inspiration Rhonna! Thanks for the download!! Love it!


  14. How was my day one? Good. The day two is the hard thing, actually. But I'm slowly but surely doing it. Writing my feelings and such down and just...pondering. Thanks for that!

  15. I decided to join in the challange! And feel so inspired to do this with you and the other great ladies who have joined in! Thanks for all that you do to inspire us! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  16. thanks for being so generous with your art!!!!!

  17. i am getting started a day late on this...
    and want to ask a question about your daily downloads...and wondering if i should ask here?

  18. Day 1 went well. I may not end up with an art journal for my goal because of time restrictions, but I so appreciate having you and your blog to check in with and reaffirm my commitment! Thank you so much for doing this again and thank you for the print...I LOVE it!

  19. Your 21 day challenge comes at just the right time for me. How generous to share this challenge and your AMAZING graphics with all of us.
    Change is not always easy but with your inspiring quotes and graphics it's going to be so much more enjoyable.
    Thank You a million times over

  20. Thank you for the download! Awesome!!!! You are the best!

  21. Thanks so much for letting us slow people download the free 9-9-09 surprize. I'm always slow because I work so I'm glad you re-set this one. Thanks again for your 21 day challenge and the motivation you give us.

  22. thanks for the free gift - love it! Will hang it above my computer to keep me motivated. Thanks for hosting this challenge!

  23. Thanks Rhonna - I had a rough first day but my second day rocked. Looking forward to Thursday, day 3!

  24. thank you for doing this project!!!
    my goal is to write in my journal once a day, something i have alway's wanted to do but have never been able to keep it up. i will be encouraging myself to stay in my happy place,and stay out of the darkness. it is my therapy!
    so THANK YOU
    i know it's not scrapbooking, but it is what i need right now, and maybe later on in the year i will do another scrapbooking one?
    Thanks for the inspiration.


  25. I saw the download late last night/early on tenth and wondering if the second 100 has been taken and if it's still available? Happy happies.

  26. Day Two completed and posted...woo hoo...Roberta

  27. I'm late, but that's okay:) Love the boost that this is giving me. Focus and determination are so important in achieving those goals. You are actually on day 5 now...I am so loving your designs. You are so GOOD!

  28. Wish I hadn't missed the download, it would have been a nice birthday present to myself.

  29. First day went great, I got out of the sofa and out for a walk! Today it was raining - a lot. I still got out of the sofa and out for a walk. At the end milk acid was about to bring me down, and I thought about your day 2 encouragement: One step at a time. And I said to myself: Don't stop. Take shorter steps when needed, but don't stop. And I didn't stop. I got home, and my boys gae me credits for going for a alk even today. And I felt strong. and powerful. I can do this! Thank you, Rhonna! :D Hugs, Irene
