Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 17:: The {21} challenge

Day 17:: Incredibly busy day today...thinking I don't feel too strong! BUT....
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Today's quote: "Strong reasons make strong actions." Shakespeare

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
I'm determined to be strong today! My reasons are strong. My actions will be strong.
How about you? Are you still going strong?

Even if you are not..I still love you!

The key is: stay focused.

Happy Day 17!


  1. I believe that our strength is one of the many things that we have all shared during our 21 day challenge.

    Knowing that our strength may change from day to day makes us realize that we CAN do it along with staying true to ourselves and what we believe in.

    Thank you for letting me share :).

  2. I'm really into Rhonna! Focus in a great key! that is what I have been dealing with...I'm easy to disperse...

    Thanks again for the inspiration !

  3. i'm sooooo feelin' it today people. your energy and support have ignited my passion to sprint to the finish line! are you in need of some motivation today? go check out my blog to feel the energy! "we GOT this!"

  4. Rhonda...I am so strong right now it's not even funny!!! THANK YOU sooooo much for this challenge. It came along right at the perfect moment in my life. I feel the strength in my body as well as in my head!! Getting out and tacklin' that hill everyday gives me the time to get my head clear as well...which a single mom of three needs!! Thank you. I will definately be doing every challenge you put up! :) Oh and to brag a little bit....I was the only student in my 1st day of first aid course to score 100% on the test!! See STRONG :) xo

  5. today really marks an accomplishment in this journey we have been on for 17 days. it's as though every day i have been able to see a little clearer. and for the word 'strong' to be today, makes so much more sense to me than if it would have been a word in the first week. i would have just crumbled instead. this week i actually have progress to show for being strong.
    thanks so much, rhonna!

  6. Today should be easy for me. I think I'm getting the flu. So there's no way I'm eating anything sweet. Or anything at all, probably. I can see the silver lining!

  7. Incredible!
    Incredible artwork, and incredible insight. You know just when we need to hear that encouraging word. Guess this ain't your first rodeo, eh?
    Thanks for all you do,

  8. feeling strong!! keep it up ladies! we can do this.

  9. Still "strong" and "staying the course"...woo hoo!
