Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 15:: The {21} Challenge & NEW House of 3 kits!

Day 15:: Ok. This is it. 6 more days to go. Re-programming our brains...I'm lovin' hearing your weekend report. How you are all doing, your challenges, your success, your EFFORT!

Remember: Each of us have different challenges. Each of us are different & have a different 'recipe' of how we do things...what is successful for us.
The whole idea of this
21 challenge is to dig deep inside yourself & change for the better. Not your neighbor. Not another 21er. Not me...YOU! And, you've been sharing that you are doing it your way. That may mean you have to pick yourself up, dust off & get back on the wagon. But, it's all about actually doing it.

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: " It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." Eleanor Roosevelt

key words here: energy. wish. plan. All essential in our goals. But, really...let's face it, merely wishing isn't going to get us to our goal....but planning is. So, we can use our energy for both. I believe wishing and planning are what will get us there!
and our other key words from day 1-14...

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

We are
doing it. I just can't tell you how great it feels. Last night we were all hanging out with my husband's family...someone got out a diet Mtn. Dew. I looked at that can of 'happy bubbles' & my mouth watered. I wanted it.
Then, the pound cake with strawberries & whipped cream came out. The brownies, the cookies.

But...I had
planned on this. I planned on it being difficult & promised myself that when that temptation came...i would not give in.


i didn't give in. I decided to use the art journaling & creativity to get my focus. I did one of my creativity exercises & it worked its magic!

Day 21 here I come!

we come! we can do this!

Happy Day 15!

Check out our new House of 3 kits: Halloween book printables & Thank You, Teacher! We'll have some fun ideas!


  1. Hi Rhonna. pretty quote for today. I have a question....The 21 day challenge is GREAT and all that but do you have a maintenance program for us? lol! Almost like those reality shows where they check back on you in 6 weeks time to see how you are holding up and if you kept up your progress etc. I think that would be a good idea..something to keep working for, cos while I am all for change and breaking old habits and making new must admit it's hard to keep it UP continually...any suggestions?

  2. happy tuesday morning everyone! i can't believe there are only 6 days left. craziness. for some reason this last week has been my hardest - lots of opportunites to "mess up". as much as i agree with you rhonna about doing this challenge for "you", for "ourselves as individuals", i also must admit it's been the other 21ers and your (rhonna) daily "check-ins"/inspiration that have prevented me from "checking out". i've REALLY needed that accountability. so THANK YOU everyone. seriously. i've dubbed today as "truckin' along tuesday"...*wink*

  3. That's funny this weekend I went to a flea market with a friend and we are on the same challenge (luckily) and there was a big cooler of iced mountain dew and water side by side. I had just finished saying at least not having soda makes water taste good------then I saw the coolers---TEMPTATION!!!!!!!! Thank goodness she was with me and I made the right choice!!!! This kind of challenge shows how if you are accountable to yourself AND others it makes it easier. I truly believe wishes come true.....(with EFFORT).

  4. Happy Day 15...I completely understand that salavation for the things we are giving up...its like candy to a baby....but this baby cannot have it...I wish others could see the reason I gave up eating it to could help them eat wish for them is to join the be a healthier person too,.

    have a great day....

  5. Still going strong we are girls!! I'm trying to think of how I am going to do my daily hike if I leave town this weekend? I am thinking I will bring my gear with me and find something equal to my hike here. That should work!

  6. oh wow! good for you!! i adore the wish quote! i want it BIG and framed in my house. :) feeling strong!

  7. Rhonna, thank you so much for all that we are learning. This is quite an adventure. I think it is truly great that we can share this with other 21 day challenge participants. We are might and we are strong!

  8. Whoops, ladies, I forgot to add this to my last post. I love the idea about being able to check back in to see how we are all doing.

    I hope I can back track and get all of the quotes and words of the day. They are awesome. I did not think to save them to my computer till the other day. Ooooh, this could be a good idea for a scrapbook.

    Once again, thank you Rhonna and thank you 21'ers. This is so neat!

  9. Woo Hoo...Day 15 completed and wish for today is to travel with my DH...Roberta
