Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 13:: The {21} Challenge

Day 13: Today is simple.
Stick with it!
Do not give up.
Move forward!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

Today's quote: "Success is dependent on effort."
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

And I have to is very challenging today. *whew* talk me through this are YOU doing?
It's taking a lot of effort.
Can we do it?

Day 13. last day of our week 2...& we are on our way to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


happy Day 13.

P.s. And, if you are wondering about our House of 3 heart boxes.... what comes in the kit, how big they are, etc. Check out Heidi's explanation video here. It's great!


  1. wow, day 12 already..I am a day behind but that doesn't matter. Today's quote is so can't have success with anything in life if you don't put forth the effort to achieve it!!

  2. Ah! Day 13...the number 13 is my lucky goal is becoming a reality....I have found other options now to not fall back onthe easy of what I know and make it what I am ....keep up with me you can do day at a time...

  3. Well week one---one soda.....week two.....a half of a root beer.....Week three no soda----with an effort of course! Love the quote today.......I love the word magical, but it does take EFFORT to make a habit disappear!

  4. You can DO IT! ONLY 7 more days! The weekends are the hardest for me, but I survived and I'm still on the band wagon. ;o) Hang in there! Hugz, Z

  5. This weekend was not bad...I have been so motivateded to stick to my day at a time...fabulous!

  6. It's had it's moments! lol...but still doing it! Keep it up girls...home stretch!!

  7. effort is a great word. as it has taken effort on my part to discern why i fell off for a day or two. what do i need to do to adjust? is the goal really that daunting? how can i go forward in a more successful way?
    i look forward to this next week. a much different outlook than even a week ago.
    thanks, rhonna!

  8. can't wait for my 13th day...I'm also a little bit behind because I started late and have an awful headache for couple of days...but 13 is also my lucky number...both my boys were born on the July 13 and the other April 13. My first day with my husband was on the 13th...many great things happen by chance for us on this can't wait to create art with 13...yeah! Off to my studio, Roberta

  9. happy sunday! you can do it! we can do it!!

  10. Tough weekend with a few cheats--doughnuts fresh from the apple farm? WHAT? Turn them down? uh, nope. Oh, well. Still no Coke. Need to fill up with more water tomorrow and back to good food and to routine. Traveling puts me out of sorts, so this week will be hard with a work trip Wed thru Sun. I can do it!!!

  11. Rhonna, thanks, again, for all that you are sharing and all that we are learning. It is also awesome to be sharing this with other 21 day challengers. We are mighty and we are strong!

  12. Day 13 already, doing what I've been doing, the Me factor enters my head often now instead of the "everyone else" factor!

    Stressful problem see my blog at

    I'm trying to use all of the first 13 day challenges to hang tough with this, comments very welcome

  13. Woo hoo...Day 13 completed and favorite number:}
