Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 10: The {21} Challenge

Day 10: We are in double digits, girls! 10 whole days. You are living in the present; looking to the future. Imagine it. Day will you feel? *** I get goosebumps just thinking of all the GOOD that is happening right now!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's Quote: " Live out of your imagination, not your history." Stephen R. Covey

So...the days before the
{21} Challenge?... they are in the past. They are history. Let it go. Don't think about your are making history NOW by breaking or making an habit!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
LIVE out of your imagination. Take action. LIVE your best life today. I truly believe that we can live our best life as we are trying. learning. growing....and going out of our comfort zone to do what we know is our best, we can become what we know is our best self.

Ask yourself these questions:
Do I know what my best self looks/acts/thinks like?
Have I ever lived a day as my best self?

Do I know what living as my best self feels like?

Do you?

I hope during these
21 days you can answer:
Yes. And I am living it right now. It feels great.

Now...on to the winner from yesterday! I have a fabulous book from Compendium I'd love to send....
LISA G!!!! Send me your addy & I'll send you the Gratitude book! Perfect plain or for altering, adding any House of 3 art journaling to it or, of course, the {21} Challenge!

And...questions to the answers...strike that. reverse. answers for the questions.

Q: How can I add the {21} Challenge badge to my blog?

A: To wear your badge proudly,
*Click on the {21} Challenge badge on my sidebar & save image on your desktop.

*Blogger/Blogspot: Go to Dashboard>Layout>Add Gadget>Configure Image. Add the image & then put the link to this blog.

*Typepad: Go HERE for more info.

Q: Tell me more about your creativity exercises?

A: In 2006, during the first few rounds of
The {21} Challenge, I was really struggling with creative ruts. It seemed like I was in a rut more often than not. And as a designer, I just couldn't afford it. So I started these exercises. every day. They have become a habit for me & I really do it out of habit now. It's part of my daily routine for 3 years. And guess what? It helps me so much. I have ideas coming out of my head faster than I can execute them. I'm overflowing & I haven't been in a rut for a long time! (knock on wood)

So, I decided to share my exercises with anyone that
needs them. (Available on my website here. ) And it's perfect for anyone. anywhere. all over the globe! A workshop for you in your home!

If you already have a great creative mojo going & you are comfortable with your process & don't get into ruts..this isn't for you.

But, if you feel like you need that little
creative boost I've got 100 ways for you to kick it up a notch. The key is: consistency. Just like any exercise program, if you do it consistently you will see results. I can't tell you how long it will take to see the results because all results vary *wink* but, it will work!

Q: I missed the beginning, can I still join in?

A: Absolutely! You can join in anytime! Simply start from Day 1 & track your progress. Please keep commenting on this blog & other 21ers so we can give you the support you need! Trust me, when you feel like you have a bunch of awesome people behind gives you strength! Just be sure to let me know so I can put you on the side bar links!
**and...if I've missed anyone, please let me know!
Q: Can I print out the quote & word art?

A: YES! That is exactly why I offer it...for YOU! To inspire you creatively & motivate you! Simply click on the image so it takes you to the larger image, then save image to your desktop. They are JPG files which means they can be opened in almost any kind of printing program. If you have a:

1. Word program; simply insert it as a Clip Art image & print.
2. Photo Editing program; simply open it & print.

The files are about 3-4" big, so don't expect huge images...they are just the right size for an art journal!

**Note: These images are for personal use only. No resale, no sharing (just send them on over to my blog to get the art for themselves), no manipulating & calling it your own. Copyright still applies. Please play nice! And...proper credit to my art would be soooo appreciated, too! Thanks!
Q: I want to use the word art over photos. How can I get rid of the white in the JPG file?

A: Great question! This is a little more advanced & can be done in a Photo Editing program like Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. In order to do this, you'd make your own brush out of the word art.

1. Open your JPG image to create your brush.
2. Go to SELECT>ALL.
3. Go to EDIT>DEFINE BRUSH. Name your brush when the box prompts you.
Voila! You've created a brush!

See this tutorial for more information on brushes. Again, please give proper credit to the art! Smooches!

Happy Day 10! Just think: tomorrow is our half way mark!!!!

P.S. All you locals...come to see our Spark table at Oh Sweet Sadie Art & Gift Show today, tomorrow & Saturday!


  1. I love this quote, just as I have all the others! I also really like your 100 creative excercises! Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Happy day 10!!!!! Have a great show!!!!! I love the gratitude book....I have it but haven't started it yet. I love the thought of printing the words on transparent sticker paper and using them in my gratitude book. I get to be creative every day in my job, but your creative excercises will be helpful!

  3. I have to say that I just love this little tag quote. I think it's my favorite! Congrats to everyone on Day 10!

  4. Everyone is doing great...I keep running against what i am trying to give everyday is a challenge and a accomplishment...

    I love posted adn teh deign will make a great journal soo...

  5. Love the Tag artwork today!! and I so wish I was a local this weekend I would love to come and checkout the art & gift show {and Sweet Sadie's it looks so quaint}!!

  6. Happy Day 10 Everyone! I thought you are all doing as well as I am!!!

  7. wow, day 10~! Time is flying by! I hope everyone is having a great time!I know I am!

  8. Day 10!!! I can't believe it. Just keep stepping and the path will lay out in front of me....that's what I think everyday! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

  9. I'm really enjoying this Rhonna!

    almost "without noticing" I'm giving steps to accomplish my challenge. It didn't work as huge results at the beginning as I thought....but just few little ones. Looking at "today" I can see improvement and that's HUGE for me!

    (happy as a lettuce) I assume lettuces are I don't know why...

  10. I can't help but check out the current day (10) and it's great. I'm actually on Day 5 today - am really having fun with these and staying focused on my three goals.

  11. I wanted to say Thank you, I didn't know how to make brushes before and now I do. I can't belive its that simple. Your artwork is beautiful.

  12. thanks so much for sharing! it helps to get on here and gather strength! feeling strong!

  13. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your inspiration, motivation, and amazing leadership skills.

    I have been faithfully following along but just recently found time to blog about my personal 21 day challenge. It's just so helpful amd motivating to be a part of this.

    Honestly, I've been successful with one goal but ...not so successful with the one goal that is the most meaningful. But thanks to your quotes and inspiration I turly feel that I can do it if I just take baby steps.

    If you get a chance I'd love to see what you think of some other words of inspiration that I found heplful to me(at the bottom of my post)
    No worries if you can't as I know what a busy gal you are !

    Big thanks your way !!
