Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 5:: The {21} Challenge & the weekend!

Day 5: Ok, we've hit it! The weekend wall. Saturday is always the most challenging. Especially on your first week. So, hang tough. do NOT give up!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "Love the moment, & the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries." Corita Kent
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

Yes, love that moment...the moment that you feel weak....overcome it! Change your mind. The energy of the moment will spread beyond all boundaries, obstacles, can do it!

I have to be honest. I almost caved yesterday. I was in the car. by myself. with some delicious Utah Mint Truffles (those that know me, know they are my FAVE) & I wanted.

Instead, I took a deep breath, called my sister for support & stayed strong!
The energy of that moment **& overcoming it** DID spread beyond all boundaries. I feel stronger!

I am loving the
energy I'm feeling from YOU! The support you are giving each other...and me! are amazing. And just think: The Power for Good that we are all giving out is strengthening not only ourselves, but everyone in our lives. When we are powerful & filled with positive spreads beyond!

Happy Day 5! You can do this.
You are meant to succeed!
p.s. I have had many of you asking about The {21} Challenge graphic. I created it with these kits over at House of 3:
medallion journal spot brushes
french oo la la tag brushes
& this font: EcuyerDAX


  1. As I was 'closing up' for the day, I turned the monitor back on at 12:48am to see day 5 already here! I decided to turn my Affirmation album into an Art Journal.
    Goals pertaining to areas of health
    *Praise & Worship
    *Reading my Bible
    *Taking better care of my skin, etc.
    *Better attention to what I am eating
    *Spending time with my affirmations
    Thank you for doing this Rhonna. Happy happies.

  2. So i have been putting my toe in the water for 4 days....with several goals but no real "end in mind". So today i will sit down with my journal, focus, ponder and start fresh {a little late to the party, but determined} Thanks for all the inspiration Rhonna and great job not giving in to temptation yesterday!

  3. Great job Rhonna for not giving in! While we all need encouragement and support, you DO too!! So keep going strong, YOU CAN DO IT! ENjoy the process (hee hee)
    have a great weekend!

  4. My weekend isn't until Monday so I am all good for this one...same meal schedule for the all enjoy your weekend...

  5. there must've been something in the air yesterday - i was soooo super close to diving into chocolate chip cookies -on more than one occasion - you have no idea how close. BUT I DIDN'T! i kept thinking of all you 21ers and i just couldn't bare the thought of letting you down - and because of that motivation - i didn't let myself down. (which SHOULD be even more important?) right? keep going. i feel SO strong today for having NOT given into temptation yesterday! thanks rhonna! and i ADORE your graphic for today. A. D. ore it! LOVE the MOMENT people - feel the NRG!

  6. Going full strength still!! Thank you so much for today! I need to keep strong, stay my course...I am currently trying to go down a different career path and it involves me being strong physically and mentally! Thank you so much for doing this 21 day is TOTALLY keeping me going! AND best of all...I'm making the time for my art album everyday! Win win!

  7. I'm trying to stay strong and not let my mind play tricks on me!! My goal is a tough one!! But I'm hanging in there. Thank you for inspiring change.

  8. I have to tell you I LOVE your 21 day challenge!! I printed out the effective on a clear transparency and glimmermisted file folders, used a couple of coordinating brads and ribbon and had adorable file folders for my teachers meeting yesterday!! thanks for the wonderful inspiration

  9. I feel a sense of relief having made it to day 5! I think if I can get through the weekend I can make it through the rest of the challenge. I have noticed that the headaches from lack of caffeine have been coming later and later in the evening so that must be a good sign right?

  10. I hoping to catch my breath a littel this weekend. My world has been so stressful the last week or so. a good goal i suffer with seizure disorder and i had two grand mal seizures back to back. My brain is finally letting me focus better today. Reading everyones posts and of course Rhonna encouragement helps thankyou all

  11. Wow...just found your lovely blog and your 21 day really inspire me...maybe I can start a bit late if that is ok. I feel with summer over and routine starting up I need start fresh with some daily goals. I will write them down tonight..thanks so much. You really do inspire...I will add you to my blogroll so I can find you quick and easy everyday!

  12. Cool Beans that you have all the 21's posted on the side bar...tomorrow I'll have to take some more time to check more of them out. Got my Day 5 Completed and Posted...thanks again and have a great evening...what's left of it, Roberta
