Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 8:: The {21} Challenge & the photoshoot

Day 8: Here we are...headed into our 2nd week. We have 1 week under our belts. We've done great...maybe a few slip ups, but nothing to give up on, right? RIGHT!

We are overcoming fears. We are kicking up our creativity by creating our own ways. And....with or without knowing it...we are losing or fears. We are getting out of our creative ruts!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."Joseph Chilton Pearce
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Ok, so up until this journey...we've been living with our bad habits...or lack of good habits. We haven't been living the life of our best self. But now, with each day...we are re-programming our brain. We are creating new habits & breaking old. We are learning to live a creative life...

...without the fear.

"You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us. The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.

What you create doesn’t have to be perfect. " D.F. Uchtdorf we live the creative life...give up that fear of having to be perfect or right. Lose it. Do not let it in your mind. It doesn't have to be perfect, but whatever it is you create in your creative life....remember: you did it. It is something you have accomplished.

I love that

Truly... creating something everyday brings me so much joy & fulfillment. And when people ask me if I have creative Very rarely do I, because I am learning to let go of fear. I focus on living a creative life & doing my creativity exercises. every. day. I figure it's preventative measure, LOL! So I can live the creative life. daily.
Speaking of living a creative life...Heidi & I went out yesterday & did a fun photo shoot for our new House of 3 product..these heart boxes. Be watching...we are getting ready to show these kits off in so many creative ways...we are having so much fun! Spark planning meeting. We are loving this excited about it! all you can to come & join will be amazing! Everyone else...we'd love to have you, too!

Have a fabulous Day 8.
P.s....I added all the names of the 21ers on my side bar...check & make sure you're on there. If not, LMK & I'll add you. This is a great way for all of us to keep supporting one another through our journey!
PPs...for a House of 3 haunted treat...check out these images for some FUN decor little sister never ceases to amaze me! Well done, Amy!


  1. Thank you Rhonna! It is amazing how this words give inspiration and make me keep going! :)

    Love the heart boxes and all the creativity flowing from houseof3!

  2. I have had to be creative in my goal to stop eating pork...I feel like there is no choices left for me...wouldn't think it would be that hard, but I was eating pork 5to 6 times per week...leaves alot of empty I have been creative in my food choices

    I to Love the heart are so creative....

  3. Day 8!!! WOW actually "feels" like it's getting a little easier! Isn't it funny that when we are younger we are running around without even breaking a sweat but when we are older it's an effort to incorporate exercise into our daily lives? funny how that happens. Well it is feeling easier and that makes me think I won't let it slip away again, cause the hard part of getting it back is no fun! Thanks for all the inspiration so to create and take pictures of 7 &8 :)
    Keep on keepin' on everyone!!!

  4. Love the quote. My blog is coming along(part of my 21 day challenge) it sat with just a title for months but all this inspiration kicked me into gear. check it out but remember I'm a rookie

  5. i haven't been added to the 21ers blog link list. please add me thanks! i'm just starting the challenge and am happy to have found your blog. you're very inspiring :)

  6. thanks for your words of encouragement, and of course the fabulous art work to go with it! love the heart box pictures!! ...and thanks for the compliment. :)

    woohoo 21'ers!!! we can do it!

  7. I am loving the challenge, however when I was showing my mom my book today she noticed that success wrong on the second success of day 7. Is there any way I can fix it before I reprint?

  8. Kelly...thanks so much!
    While designing my eyes go wonky thank you for the help!

    I just changed it.
    it's now correct!

  9. Back on track after a day of interuptions. Even though I didn't get to work in my journal...I was still feeding my "creative" fires. I can be an inspiration to any otheer late starters...remember girls...slow and love this challenge. Thanks Rhonna...have a great weekend, Roberta
