Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 4:: The {21} Challenge & happy Birthday!

Day 4:: Can you believe it? We've gone 4 days. This is THE hardest part you guys. STICK WITH IT! Imagine that you are the 21st happy & fulfilled that you made your goal!
Think of how free you will feel! You will be stronger! Imagine it!

(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "The man who has no imagination has no wings. "
Muhammad Ali

LOVE this quote for our challenge. It brings it all together...reminds me that we have to imagine our success in order to fly! You know the positive affirmations that are so important in reaching goals? Well, this imagination is 2 fold in The {21} Challenge:

1. It is neccessary for us to
imagine ourselves at the end of our journey...successful & happy.
2. As we take our creativity to a higher notch; the
creative imagination we achieve in this journey will flow over into so many aspects of our lives. Going through my daily creative exercises kicks me into gear and coupled with this {21} Challenge...I can't believe how my head is exploding with creative ideas.

I love it!
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)

Ok, so, over the weekend I'll work on getting all of the 21ers names on the side bar...LOVED hearing from you! Love hearing what you are saying, what's inspiring you! We are all in this together & we can do it.

Day 4 is huge. 5 , 6 & 7...This is the weekend...go into it STRONG. You can do isn't going to be worth it to go back. You have already invested 4 days into this change of are on your way.

You are stronger than that! You can do it!

And...happy birthday to my fantastic nephew, Clatie! I LOVE YOU TONS! He's my 15 year old nephew...he's amazing. He is a huge inspiration to me & my family. His positive attitude, happiness, service & LAUGH make him so fun to be around! ...there is something very
special about him...ever since he was born we could all feel it. My gorgeous sister in law, Charisse & my fab brother Clate are amazing, amazing parents! When he was 5 he was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes & he's never let it stop him. He's amazing. He's awesome. We just LOVE him!

You know when you KNOW you've forgotten something? well....lest Adam thinks I forgot his birthday...NO, Mr. Superman...we didn't! This kid melts my heart. Another nephew (same side of family as Clatie) with a birthday today, too. **Our family has this funny way of doubling up on birthdays!** Check out my sister's amazing photo journey of the birthday boy...."Superman is my favorite color, too, Adam!" mmm*wah!Wait. Stop. it's also this gorgeous sistah's birthday...don't you just LOVE her? I do! And she's just a kick in the pants, drop dead FUN lady! I adore her. She's got a heart that is so big. She loves everyone. She laughs & screams more than I do! And she is so full of energy & SPARK that I can't even stand it!
Speaking of Spark...did you see the teachers?
(photo by Tara Whitney)
THE Kelly McCaleb is joining us for her famous vintage fabric crafting! Can't wait..everything she touches turns to gold...I adore her work! and her!
(photo by Tara Whitney)
And, THE April Meeker! OOOO, have you seen her Etsy shoppe? Oh my...her jewelry is amazing & she'll be teaching a fabulous class with Miss Margie! seriously. can't wait!

We'll be sharing more about our Spark Show & Tell, too! So many good things in the works. Mark your calendars, go on over & register & ramp up for one fabulously creative weekend!

Have a great day 4!


  1. woo-hoo, I am the first!!
    hee hee

    Thank You Rhonna for day 4,gorgeous art work and love that quote! So motivating and inspiring! I can't wait to get going today! Had a bit of a rough morning with one of my goals, but trying VERY hard to stay on the track!!

    have a great weekend

  2. I can't find your email anywhere...wanted to send you something. can you help? you can email it to me at bouncingbonbon{at}gmail{dot}com. thanks!

  3. Day 4 leaves me knowing I have more choices then what I had limited myself too...I wm strong moving into day 5..thanksI can imagine me on day 21 is my goal

  4. rhonna - you have no idea how much it helps that the challenges are posted early enough for me to preview them before my household begins stirring in the mornings. (it's actually assisted me with one of my goals). so...a big HUGE thank you for that!

    Day 3 - "check" - moving onto Day 4 and feeling good. loving the "imagination" theme today! "begin with the end in mind" & throw in some "imagination" - it's a magical "journey"...LOVE it!

  5. Day 4 and I'm feeling so content with my progress so far. My goal may not be as ambitious as some, but it's one I need to achieve. And I finally blogged it so I have another reminder for myself to keep up with the challenge. Thank you again for giving me a place to check in and be inspired by others working toward their goals!

  6. That ol' 21 day challenge feeling of waking up early anxious to reflect on the word of the day has retuned...THANK YOU SO MUCH fo doing this again..I know it is ALOT of hard work..but so worth it to so many!
    YOU, my friend, are a blessing!

    My "Effective" is up this morning


  7. I am feeling really strong on Day 4 I feel that if I can get through Day 3 which was a rough one then I can absolutely get through Day 4! I hope to carry that out through the weekend! Thank you for all the beautiful inspiration!!

  8. Feeling good about day 4. I'm happy it is "imagination" cause I'm feeling the need to create a little piece of art! :) The artwork is beautiful! Thanks!

  9. I found this a little late, but I'm going to use the weekend to catch up. I love this idea!! Thank you so much!!

  10. You have motivated me where no one else - not even me - was able to. I am on the journey with the end solidly in mind. Thank you and God bless you!

  11. you GUYS!!!! You give me chills. seriously.
    I LOVE the support you are giving each other.
    I sooo want to come to each of your blogs...time is ticking though & in order for me to get the art & quotes done...I will have to rely on this comment here to say:


    I get chills just thinking of the CHANGE that is happening all over the world right now. WE are a PART of something extraordinary!

    Power for good!

    remember that!


  12. Fabulous word art! I had no idea that Muhammad Ali said that - who would have thought? Thank you!

  13. thanks rhonna for everything! thanks for the bday wish for clatie. he's still at football practice, but i'll show it to him when he comes home. u r amazing too! love ya lots! have i told you today that i am so stinkin excited to come to *spark*? i wish EVERYONE could come! it's going to be simply fabulous!!

  14. Hey :o)
    I'd like to join this challenge. How do i go about doing that?

  15. I've just found your 21 day challenge and am going to start back at Day 1 and try to catch up over the weekend. What beautiful art and script you've created for each of those inspiring quotes! Now to decide what I want to make into a habit...

  16. So happy with my progress...such a sense of "satisfaction"...hey is this going to be a "word" for the challenge..."satisfaction"...I can here it now. Thanks Rhonna
