Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 3:: The {21} Challenge, Spark & House of 3 goodie bag

Day 3: This is amazing! We are on day 3!!! We are doing it! We are being that Power for good! We are taking one step at a time to our goal. YES! Don't you love it?
(click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: “We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind.” Stephen R. Covey

Isn't that awesome? We have to keep the end in mind. We have to be truly effective. We have to see our goal. We have to visualize the person we are becoming with every step. And the POWER of good we are in our life & in others' lives!

Every step, every minute, every day, every week we must be effective. Yes, we are all busy. And busy is good, but if we are forgetting our goal or saying, "I'm too busy to be my best self." hmm.. we gotta change.

(click to enlarge>save page>print)

And I love how he says: 'we may be very effective'...ha! I know I've thought that before...I'm busy. I'm the quote points out..the rest of the recipe of success is:
begin with the end in mind...THEN we will truly be effective. We will see our end results as we have envisioned them.

I'm not going to lie...this first week is the most difficult. But, you can do it! Week 2 & Week 3 get easier. Trust me..I've done it. It stinks, to be quite frank!

Especially when my family is having my favorite: icecream! aahhhhh! I seriously drooled looking at them eating it. But...I thought of all of you. I thought of the 21ers who are doing more difficult things than me...breaking the smoking habit or starting an exercise habit... I made a protein shake instead...with crushed ice. And ya know? It wasn't that bad. No, it wasn't icecream, but I remembered our quote; it begins with a single step. And if I ate the icecream now...i'd be going backwards.

No. thank you. I prefer to move forward.


I'd love a list of all participants & your blogs so I can put you down & we can blog hop & help strengthen each other, ok? Please leave your info here.

and other good stuff:
*I'm off today for a Spark meeting. We are so excited to share the Spark with's coming together nicely. Did you see we have the teacher info up? Go check it out! It's going to be so incredible! I hope you can make it!

*House of 3 is in da bag today...the bag o' goodies over at Renee Pearson's extravaganza.

* Think Big Art released an e-book today. All you photographers & creatives...look at marketing in a new it here & check it out!

happy Day 3...don't give up! You can do it!


  1. wao Rhonna! just what I was into: trying to get a better Perspective!

    all this process is amazing! I'm really enjoying it!

    Thanks again!

  2. Hey Rhonna! ...and all the 21ers out there! lol

    I am so excited about this challenge.
    I'm focusing mine around a verse in Acts that talks about choosing to "pitch my tent in the land of hope." I've let hope slip from my life as of lately and boy...I don't like who I've become!

    This is Becky (Daisyduster) and my blog is

    (Rhonna, I can't even begin to imagine trying to give ALL those things up at once! GOOD LUCK! You can do it!)

  3. I think I'm in, will go check all the info out. saw this on two blogs already and here I am! I don't have a blog though. Happy happies.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely inspirational quotes and images. They are so beautifully done. Perfect for a mini tagbook to keep in my handbag:-)
    Have a wonderful day.

  5. "effective" - such a perfect focus word for me today. thanks rhonna...and all of the 21ers out there!

  6. oops...and even though my name links you to my blog...i wasn't sure if you wanted the blogs "officially" written out for a "formal" list. so here it is:

    thanks again rhonna!

  7. hey rhonna,
    i'm attempting to expressing myself more creatively. so i'm just creating something each day. and i'm learning new techniques all the time. having fun.


  8. I started my 21 day challenge about 6 days ago now, before I even knew about your motivation you are sharing here! Was so glad to come across this as it will help me to keep on track. Mine is all about healthy lifestyle and so far so good! Thanks for being such a inspiration .. it means a lot to have a support structure. Feel free to check out my blog anytime.

    Lisa -

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog today---I love the quote---and the artwork is devine--love that there is a bird and life got in the way---I can't find my battery charger for my camera--hope this doesn't keep me from blogging too long! love to hop to see what everyone is up to-----too!

  10. All I can say is 'wow!', Rhonna. I feel so uplifted and so powerful after reading your post each day. How can I fail with your words behind me?

    Thank you for being a light in all of our lives.

  11. Very excited about Day 3 - haven't written about it in my blog yet but here's the URL -

    Thanks :)

  12. Hi! I'm so glad your doing this. I've gotten a few bad habits over the last couple months and I've been feeling so guilty over them. Now I am reminded I can conquer them. SOOO happy to be doing this! Thanks!

  13. I am really diggin' the quotes each day. I'm totally on board with the challenge.

  14. i am so officially on board here...waking up today with all these thoughts brewing in my mind...KNOWING there were challenges right around the corner...and there were!!! but these quotes and thoughts were right there in my mind ready for me to grab them and make them 'effective'. yeah for me!

    my blog:
    blog name: on today
    my name: jamie

    this is going to be great. thanks, rhonna!!!

  15. I, too, drooled over ice cream last night! Thanks for the quotes and motivation! I'm sticking iwth it.

  16. This challenge is fantastic! It's exactly what I needed to get myself in gear!! ;)

  17. so excited!!!! My day 1 & 2 are up...THANK YOU Rhonna for doing this. I wrote all about YOU & the challenge on my blog post today...

  18. Here's my blog for The {21} Challenge...thanks so much for all your is really I have some catching up to do. Fondly, Roberta

  19. I am participating!!! Thank you!

  20. I'm in on this..loving it!!!! I am going to finally update my blog this weekend!!!!!

  21. Just recently stumbled upon your blog and I am hooked! Especially with the {21} Challenge. I love your creativity.
    Thank You for inspiring me to change - this will be fun!

    I am Brenda and my blog is:


  22. you're amazing! Thanks for the inspiration! I'm printing the challenges and loving them, yes it is so super hard this week ! need to make more time to " journal" ! Thanks for sharing you !

  23. So far day three has been the hardest. My poor husband woke up at 3AM with the start of a kidney stone and by 7AM we were at the hospital if ever I needed a cup of coffee its today but all I keep thinking of Rhonna and all of the 21ers who are battling through so I will too!! Now I'll visit everyone's blogs to take my mind off coffee :)

  24. on with you still in my journey to give up eating pork..I didn't realize I eat it all the it has been hard to stop and change...but I am looking to the end just like your quote says..thanks for the inspiration.

  25. Hi Rhonna-
    Came over from Liz K. site when I read about the 21 day challenge. I just posted on my blog

  26. Hi Rhonna!
    Okay finally, all three days are up on my blog!!

    I am following everyone too, for encouragement!

    Thanks for the daily prompts and art! looking forward to day 4!

    Today was a bit easier and I felt like I achieved something good!

  27. Day 2 completed and I'm happy. :) Your art for today...totally fab! Thank you for the inspiration and the place to check in on this little journey. :)

  28. I was a day late for Day 2 and have to take a bit of a break...but will be contemplating, pondering, thinking, and immersing myself toward my goals...

    Here's my Day Two..late!



    I love this challenge, but you are right... It isn't easy, but your motivation and my goal (to improve my prayer life and make some internal changes to become a better mother and wife) keep moving me forward!!

    Thank you and I can't wait until tomorrows "WORD" and motivational impact!

    God Bless!

  30. By the way... how do I put the 21 Challenge button on my blog? I'm new to this stuff and don't have a clue!! :)

  31. Hello... I am joining in on the 21 day challenge... I haven't blogged it yet, but I will soon :)

  32. Okay - I am joining and hopefully will blog about it tomorrow. My sister in law brought me over a very cool 21 day journal. The path is before me and now I just need to walk it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  33. I have my 21 day challenge BUT I have no idea to scrap it? Small album, tag book, 4x6 for a photo carosaul (sp?)... I have no idea... Hopefully I can get some inspiration from you all!!

  34. I'm in and totally motivated truly helps to have others to share with. So I'm looking forward to checking out everyone's progress.

    I'll just have to wait until the weekend to blog about it....first week of school here ....three kids back but I'm also on the teaching end so just a tad busy this week.

    Chantilly Grace Blogspot


  35. I am sharing my 21 day challenges on my blog - haven't had the success others have had but I will stick with it.

  36. Hey Rhonna! Thanks for this awesome challenge and all the inspiration and artwork! I've decided to join the challenge and blogged about it as well.

  37. Love this challenge, Rhonna! You continue to inspire and amaze me with your talent.

    Thanks again!

  38. Here is my blog...loving this!

  39. I'm jumping in a little late on the project, but better late than never!

    Here's my link:

  40. Just loving my process, this is my first 21 day challenge, very cool
    thank Rhonna
    really enjoying the creativity exercises too

  41. susan!!! so excited! I LOVE the creativity exercises, too. They have seriously changed my creative process & my whole outlook on my creations. LOVE!

    and...YES! you are IN! enjoy your process!

  42. I'm very exited about this 21-day Challenge. It's giving me the courage and motivation to reach for a new level of success at work. I love how the daily art triggers a creative burst and changes my perspective. Thanks Rhonna!

  43. Checking in and being accountable...woo hoo...Day 3 done and posted. Roberta

  44. Hi Rhonna,
    Loving the challenge. Signed up late. I'm on day 3 and you are all on day 6 I think. My goals are to run 3 miles a day, resist sugar, avoid diet soda, create something everyday and to read my bible everyday. I'm tired just looking at my list. I can do it though. Thanks for your inspiration.

    My site is

  45. I got started a little late , b ut here I am..
    blog address

  46. I can't believe how you always put out the right words - you are amazing! :) Thank you! this encouragement is exactly what I need for today. It friday, that means housecleaning... but I WILL go out for a walk too, I really enjoy the prosess and looking forward to read your words of encouragement each day (and I do not cheat, I follow the days as they fit mine, no jumping to conclusions ;) Hugs, Irene
