Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 20:: the {21} Challenge

Day 20:: We are almost there! 1 day! This is it! Last. Day.
The day that we can work hard & reflect on our journey. Where we started. How we progressed. Where we are ending...and how we have felt during this journey! Can you believe it? We are almost there & if you look back & think to our Day! Look at the 21ers ....everyone has shown faith. in themselves. in each other.
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Today's quote: "If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory." William Hazlitt
(To Download: click to enlarge>save page>print)
Win. Faith. Victory.
This is how I'm feelin'....this is where we are.
hang tough 21ers! You have helped each other immensely.
Happy Day 20.
Get ready for the celebration!


  1. I am on day 28 and I must say it does get easier..the support I have recieved thru the 21 challenge is awesome..thanks everyone and Rhonna thank you for setting my onto my path to accomplish my goal...

    have a great day and know one more day your habit will be changed.

  2. Faith---the perfect quote for a Sunday...Thanks Rhonna for your inspiration and following through sharing your beautiful artwork everyday....I am going to miss that!

  3. Just blogged my "unfinished" project =) (I need to add the latest quotes) I choose to put all quotes in a mini album with a little french vintage style on it!

    thanks for all creativity days, loooove this project!! ♥

  4. I cannot express my gratitude to you! i am so thankful for this project, and thanks to you and your blog posts and inspiration i have ben able to complete my journey and develop my habit. mine was to write in my journal everyday, something i have always wanted to do, and now i have been able to do it. It is something that relaxes me and allows me to get things out and not bottle them up, i will continue this journey and habit i have developed after this challenge. I am so proud of my self and everyone else who participated! SO GOOD JOB everyone!!

    Thank You!


  5. Thanks Rhonna! Our sermon today was on this! Then I came on to download the quote and that is the word today too! Love it! Thanks again for such great encouragement!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Rhonna .. I have a question. I can't seem to figure out how to get your digital stamps to be two different colors! For example, if I download this "Faith" in black and gray, how do I get it to be pink and yellow?? I'm pretty good in Photoshop but this has me stumped! Can you help???


  8. Don't you all give up on me now...I'm almost there...yeah!
