Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Local girls...announcing>>>Digital Design Class!

So, I mentioned the fabulous class we'll be taking tonight with Kelly McCaleb...knitting. at Dear Lizzie. in the Bistro. private class. doors locked...only us girls with the chandeliers sparkling in the night...our own little clubhouse!
yea. I did, huh?

Well....I am excited to announce that I'll be teaching a class at Dear Lizzie. Wednesday, November 18. 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Same type of thing: after hours event. popular request; it will be a digital design class.

Imagine: You'll bring your laptops to the ultra chic Bistro, enjoy their cupcakes & drinks as we design & learn together!
I've got a good idea of what I'll be teaching, but would LOVE to hear your requests!

So, locals, tell me what you'd want to learn at this 2 hour class!

Happy Oct. 1st.

P.S. Wow, I had no idea what kind of response I'd get to this..but, it's been great! Thanks, everyone! Ok, so here are a few of the same questions I'm getting:

Q: What if I don't have a laptop?
A: This is really important. You'll get the most out of the class by doing. BUT, if you are still wanting to come & join us, I'll have a printed, detailed class booklet for you & you can take notes, go home & practice! It's up to you!

Q: What program will you be working in?
A: Photoshop CS4.(PSCS4) If you have Photoshop Elements (PSE), you can do this class. That's the great thing about me being right there with you...I can show you how to do it in PSE. But, the materials will be geared toward the most recent updates on PSCS4. (You'll need to tweak it a bit for your program you are using.)
TIP: To ensure the best experience, I would highly recommend having the program. You can download a FREE 30 day trial onto your laptop!

Q: How many people are you taking?
A: The class size is limited: 20 students. (24 MAX). This is so awesome...very intimate one on one tutoring. I"m so excited!

Q: What if I want to learn everything from you? Start to finish.
A: I'm so excited with the response's looking like it might be a possibility that I could do beginning, intermediate & advanced classes! woohoo!

Q: How do I sign up?
A: I'll have more info in the next little bit as I hammer out the details of this first class!
Ok...keep the requests coming...& questions! Love it!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday WOW!>>>>Dear Lizzie

There are so many things that just make me say:

I want to share my Wednesday Wow with you on this last day o' September:
Local goodness: Dear Lizzie Boutique & Bistro.

(all photos: Dear Lizzie Website. by Studio 111)

You just walk into this boutique & you go crazy with inspiration. It's the kind of place I could be in for hours & still miss something because I've been busy feasting on the eye candy....there's just so much inspiration ooozing!!
Laura Jarman, the owner, has an a*mazing sense of style & it reflects in every nook & cranny in the boutique & bistro. From the scrumptious color of the walls>>> to the mouth-watering candy displays>>>> to the gorgeous clothing she carries>>>to the vintage re-purposed décor>>> to the sassy jewelry that makes you feel like singing.'s an experience you must try! It is one of my favorite local inspiration trips I take during my creativity exercises!
The bistro is delicious & displayed soooo creatively! Last week Laura did a spot on NBC Salt Lake affiliate: Studio 5. Check this out!

Like I said...isn't Laura amazing??? (p.s. someone else will be on Studio 5 this Friday NOT miss it! *wink*...don't kill me, sweets..I'm just so excited to see you!)

I am also incredibly excited for this week's Knitting 101 class at the Bistro by THE talented Kelly McCaleb! Liz, Jefra & I are going to get our knit on...right there in the Boutique/Bistro! (Kelly is also one of our fab Spark teachers!)

5 wows.

What makes YOU say Wow on this Wednesday?

ppssstt: what would you say if I told you Dear Lizzie is going to be a part of Spark? yea. I saved the best WOW for last! wwoohooo!!

I *heart* Sparks. Nie Nie is one of them!

Speaking of being your best you....Stephanie Nielson (NieNie Dialogues) just gave Spark a shout out on her blog! Thank you so much, my dear!

Not only is she the most inspiring woman, but I think she is the epitome of being your best you. If you haven't read her blog & her story.....please go now. Your heart will sing & you will be uplifted & inspired....she's an angel on this earth! smooches, Stephanie! And check out this quote she perfect for Spark!
There is in every true woman's heart
a spark of heavenly fire,
which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity;
but which kindles up and
beams and blazes
in the dark hour of adversity.
-Washington Irving

and, we have 1 more ticket to give away for the Spark Event.

What will you be doing 5 years from today?

It's no secret...Compendium books are some of my favorite. They are all inspiring, motivating, uplifting & beautiful! The 5 book is one of my all time faves, too! Watch this video!

I love it. What will you be doing 5 years from today? It's all up to you. This book goes right along with the {21} Challenge.

Today only Compendium is having a special offer on this book:
coupon code: 5BOOK55
And, they are also offering 20% off entire retail purchase. TODAY ONLY>
you will LOVE their books!
Have a fabulous'll never get it back.
Be your best you!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 21:: The {21} Challenge & a celebRation giveaway!

Day 21:: It's here. This is it. By then end of today it will have been a 21 day/3 week journey of challenge, change, learning & success!
You did it.
Sweet victory!

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Today's quote:: "If you believe in yourself & have dedication & pride & never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." Paul Bryant

You've done it. You believed in yourself. You had dedication to keep going, to stay strong, to lift yourself up even if you fell....and now you will reap the benefits of the rewards: Your new habit.

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victory. Oh sweet victory! So many rewards. So much cause for celebration! Each of you have done such a wonderful job. I seriously get goosebumps when I think of what you have accomplished. Each of us are *new*...our *best*!

Now. You can do a couple of things from here on out:
1. You can continue with this habit & never look back.
2. You can stay strong, continue with this habit & even start another round of The {21} Challenge & choose another habit to make or break.
3. You can slip back into your old habit.

I hope your answers are: 1 & 2. (Please do not choose #3!!!!)
Continue with your goals. Those of you that are a part of the 100 Creativity Exercises....this is your maintenance program. Seriously, after I do my rounds of The {21} Challenge, these creativity exercises are what keep me in tip top shape in staying
A. creative
B. consistent
& C. able to continue with goals in all areas of my life.

I love this quote:
"I urge you to examine your life. Determine where you are and what you need to do to be the kind of person you want to be. Create inspiring, noble, and righteous goals that fire your imagination and create excitement in your heart. And then keep your eye on them. Work consistently toward achieving them." Joseph B. Wirthlin

Keep your eye on it. Stay fired up! Work consistently toward achieving your goals to be where, what & who you want to be!

Please come back & share how you are doing every Monday! Celebrate! You deserve it!

Don't you love this 21 pin? I designed it for Creative Escape when I taught the {21} Challenge class & they generously gave me the extras! So....I'll be sending one to each of you!

Please send me your snail mail addresses so I can send them out. I know a lot of you that don't have blogs never got in on a lot of this, but you're included. (I've enjoyed hearing from you via email!)

And...for the BIG celebrations! The {21} Challenge Inspiration Box!

I have these fantastic House of 3 heart boxes to give away to 3 lucky 21ers! (oh, how I wish I had one for everyone!)
The front is doodled with my art, flowers, pearled flowers, bling & felt. Then embellished with today's VICTORY art printed out on inkjet transparency!

The inside has a commemorative '21' back there on re-colored House of 3 patterned paper. And inside is a bird with flowers....representing your freedom at then end of this journey!
Just leave a comment here, telling us about your experience in the {21} Challenge & I'll announce the winners this week!
Kudos to all of you!

Happy Day 21 & on...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 20:: the {21} Challenge

Day 20:: We are almost there! 1 day! This is it! Last. Day.
The day that we can work hard & reflect on our journey. Where we started. How we progressed. Where we are ending...and how we have felt during this journey! Can you believe it? We are almost there & if you look back & think to our Day! Look at the 21ers ....everyone has shown faith. in themselves. in each other.
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Today's quote: "If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory." William Hazlitt
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Win. Faith. Victory.
This is how I'm feelin'....this is where we are.
hang tough 21ers! You have helped each other immensely.
Happy Day 20.
Get ready for the celebration!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 19:: The {21} Challenge

Day 19: Yes. It's Saturday...2 days left. can totally do this. Even though we are almost at the end, you may feel the temptation to say, 'I'm almost doesn't matter if I slip up.'
To this, I say:
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Today's quote: "One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love & to long life." Alexander A. Bogomoletz

So, can do this. And those desires that have carried you throughout the entire {21} Challenge have made you more ways than one. I'm hoping that through this journey, you've discovered that as you've shown self discipline, strength, courage, and down right sheer've seen it overflow into other aspects of your life. This is exactly what this challenge sow those seeds & you are growing!

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You are mighty. And with the art journaling, creativity exercises & staying consistent..your creativity jumps up a few notches...I love the results after every {21} Challenge I've ever done. Without even concentrating, the creativity that is in abundance just astounds me. Seriously...make a mental note of what happens in your life after the {21} Challenge is over. And remember, when I say 'creativity', it doesn't just mean paper, pen,'s anything you create out of nothing. ....just watch! You'll amaze yourself. And while you're at journal about it!
Happy Day 19!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 18:: The {21} Challenge & NEW Wacom Tablets!

Day 18: feelin' great today...only a few more days 21ers!!!! I feel like I could fly! I feel strong. I can conquer anything!
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Today's quote: "Energy & persistence conquer all things." Benjamin Franklin & persistence. That's what it's taken to get through this. And, I've seen all of you exhibiting some amazing persistence. I know it's not easy. I know you have bad days, but I've so enjoyed hearing how you've conquered!
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What a fantastically empowering word! conquer! Don't you just feel strong saying it?
Now. feel it.
Let that energy carry you through the day! We can do this!

Ok, so yesterday there was a Press Release from Wacom about....the new Bamboo Tablet line! I'm dying. Look at this new Bamboo Craft !

Digital scrapbookers, memory makers, and crafters: Bamboo Craft is the perfect tool for unleashing your creativity! Get hands-on with your projects using both pen and Multi-Touch input for your computer. Multi-Touch enables you to navigate and work with your creative assets quickly and easily. The pressure-sensitive pen lets you create your own art, edit photos, add embellishments, and provide a personal touch with your natural handwriting and doodles.

I've been praising the Wacom Tablets for years...I do all my art, drawing, designing, photo editing, blogging...even navigating with my tablets! (NO sore wrists when you use the pen as your mouse!) And now with the new Multi-Touch! so incredibly cool! Be on the look out for some more great info from the great people at Wacom...I'll shout out when I can! *wink*'s creativity exercise is all about creating something for someone...I'm getting some cool heart boxes all ready for gifts on this special day.
Share the love...5 for $50. Makes such perfect gifts! fill them with treats, love notes, gifts...the list goes on!

Ok..happy Day 18..stay strong on the weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 17:: The {21} challenge

Day 17:: Incredibly busy day today...thinking I don't feel too strong! BUT....
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Today's quote: "Strong reasons make strong actions." Shakespeare

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I'm determined to be strong today! My reasons are strong. My actions will be strong.
How about you? Are you still going strong?

Even if you are not..I still love you!

The key is: stay focused.

Happy Day 17!

Spark ticket giveaway...NOW!

Hurry! Oh Sweet Sadie is hosting a Spark ticket giveway. NOW! We are giving away one full admission ticket...$300.oo value!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 16:: The {21} Challenge & Happy Birthday!

Day 16: ahhhh! lovin' this, aren't you guys? I gotta feelin'....that today's gonna be a good day! I've got a good attitude today...& yesterday! I had such a super day...went running 10 miles, wasn't even tempted (that much) by sugar or caffeine! IT's getting easier! But..I also know that we all have bad days...don't let it get you down. Focus on your attitude!
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Today's quote:"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." William James
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Attitude. It's all about attitude today. Alter your attitude towards your bad day. or your obstacles. or how difficult it may
I can do this.
I am strong.
I am made to succeed.
I can live my best life.
I have control over my choices.
I can choose to win.
So, yesterday I was taking my creative walk & drinking my peach detox tea & this was the 'quote' on the tea bag....

LOVED this. Had to take a pic for you! It's true...we've come 16 days & we are feeling great, acting great & we need to approve of ourselves...our actions, our efforts, our abilities to succeed!

I giggled at many of your comments saying: "This quote is perfect for me, how did you know?" or
"Are you a mind reader? I needed to hear this."

Let me tell you...on Round 19 of The {21} Challenge, I've come to know exactly how I'll be feeling at certain days during the journey. I enjoy finding new quotes each day that will inspire, uplift & motivate us at just the right time.
I've used many quotes through the rounds & I like to always use new ones...even though that first one from Marianne Williamson is so perfect for every single opening day!

So...I've had many of you sending me new them. LOVE that you are looking for new ones that inspire you....please continue to share your favorite quotes. I love them!

Happy Day 16!

& a HUGE happy birthday to my darling niece Ashley! We love you! We are so thankful you are in our are beautiful inside & out!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 15:: The {21} Challenge & NEW House of 3 kits!

Day 15:: Ok. This is it. 6 more days to go. Re-programming our brains...I'm lovin' hearing your weekend report. How you are all doing, your challenges, your success, your EFFORT!

Remember: Each of us have different challenges. Each of us are different & have a different 'recipe' of how we do things...what is successful for us.
The whole idea of this
21 challenge is to dig deep inside yourself & change for the better. Not your neighbor. Not another 21er. Not me...YOU! And, you've been sharing that you are doing it your way. That may mean you have to pick yourself up, dust off & get back on the wagon. But, it's all about actually doing it.

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Today's quote: " It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." Eleanor Roosevelt

key words here: energy. wish. plan. All essential in our goals. But, really...let's face it, merely wishing isn't going to get us to our goal....but planning is. So, we can use our energy for both. I believe wishing and planning are what will get us there!
and our other key words from day 1-14...

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We are
doing it. I just can't tell you how great it feels. Last night we were all hanging out with my husband's family...someone got out a diet Mtn. Dew. I looked at that can of 'happy bubbles' & my mouth watered. I wanted it.
Then, the pound cake with strawberries & whipped cream came out. The brownies, the cookies.

But...I had
planned on this. I planned on it being difficult & promised myself that when that temptation came...i would not give in.


i didn't give in. I decided to use the art journaling & creativity to get my focus. I did one of my creativity exercises & it worked its magic!

Day 21 here I come!

we come! we can do this!

Happy Day 15!

Check out our new House of 3 kits: Halloween book printables & Thank You, Teacher! We'll have some fun ideas!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 14:: The {21} Challenge

Day 14:: Can you believe it? 2 weeks ago we started on Day 1. And here we the home run stretch. Yes. only a week left! The countdown is on...I have to say..I'm enjoying it. It has taken me 2 weeks to really enjoy how I feel w/o sugar & sodas! But, it feels good, although, everyday is still a struggle....I have to concentrate!

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Today's quote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Buddha

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...concentrate on the present moment. Remind myself that I love this feeling of succeeding! That the present moment is everything right now....that it is what will get me to my goal.

today: week 2. Check in....tell me how you are doing & what you plan on doing to concentrate on success to get you to the end!

Happy Day 14!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 13:: The {21} Challenge

Day 13: Today is simple.
Stick with it!
Do not give up.
Move forward!
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Today's quote: "Success is dependent on effort."
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And I have to is very challenging today. *whew* talk me through this are YOU doing?
It's taking a lot of effort.
Can we do it?

Day 13. last day of our week 2...& we are on our way to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


happy Day 13.

P.s. And, if you are wondering about our House of 3 heart boxes.... what comes in the kit, how big they are, etc. Check out Heidi's explanation video here. It's great!